Team, We can’t believe we’re sending this email, but this is just getting ridiculous. Let us break it down: First: Trump sowed seeds of doubt in the legitimate presidential election by calling foul play and having his cronies file lawsuit after lawsuit in battleground states. Then: Republicans spent months claiming that Trump won the election and refused to begin the transition to President-Elect Joe Biden. Now: Republicans in Congress are trying to change the results of the Electoral College vote and stay in Trump’s good graces by undermining the will of the American people.
The purpose of Congress coming together to certify the results of the presidential election is not to have Congress decide who should be President. The purpose is for Congress to count the electoral votes. Historically, if the votes are tied, then Congress would vote by state, but the vote is not tied! President-Elect Biden has 306 electoral votes and President Trump has 232 votes. Definitely not a tie. These Republicans are complicit in trying to steal an election, and we cannot let them continue this charade. We should focus on the needs of the American people instead of playing to the ego of a failed one term president, including providing more stimulus checks, creating a vaccine distribution plan, and getting our economy back on track. Stunts like challenging the results of the Electoral College hurts the legitimacy of our democracy.
14 days until the inauguration! -- Team Clarke