RSVP now for January 12, 2021 3 P.M. EST Ed Equity Talks presents Abolitionist Teaching: A Conversation with Bettina Love and Brandelyn Tosolt Featuring Dr. Bettina Love and Dr. Brandelyn Tosolt Hosted by The Nellie Mae Education Foundation Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 3:00 P.M. EST Join Nellie Mae for the first in our new Ed Equity Talks series, featuring Dr. Bettina Love and Dr. Brandelyn Tosolt of The Abolitionist Teaching Network! What might freedom in public schooling look like? Bettina Love's concept of abolitionist teaching seeks to bring love to the center of learning, as well as bring together educators with parents, students, and community to create schools rooted in social justice. This conversation will focus on Love's work and will be moderated by Nellie Mae Vice President of Strategy and Programs, Dr. Gislaine N. Ngounou. Register for the event now. RSVP Here The Nellie Mae Education Foundation 1250 Hancock St., Suite 701N, Quincy MA (781)-348-4280 Nellie Mae Education Foundation | 1250 Hancock St., Sutie 701N, Quincy, MA 02169 Unsubscribe Update Profile | About our service provider Sent by powered by Try email marketing for free today!