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Editor's Note:

While the nation has been distracted by massive voter fraud, indifferent boards of election, and the prospect of mandated COVID shutdowns for the rest of our natural lives, the Left has continued to target our children with its aggressive LGBTQ agenda. Nothing is off limits: kids' cartoons, commercials, toys, and overt messaging in online curricula. While most parents have no idea of the extent of the propaganda, Nicole Russell explains in vivid detail how incessant the messages are and why parents need to speak out en masse. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
January 6, 2020
Enough Already With Using Cartoons and Cookies to Sell LGBTQ Agenda to Kids

The year 2020 was tough for everyone, children and adults alike. Most school-age kids were forced to attend school virtually, at least for part of the year. This, combined with lockdowns, caused screen time use to surge.

More than usual, parents may fear kids aren’t learning well or are being exposed to things they aren’t yet mature enough to handle. On this, their intuition may be correct: 2020 saw an increase in LGBTQ-friendly marketing targeted at kids.

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