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This December issue of the library newsletter includes Irish publications and international evidence
resources related to drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
To view our entire collection of research and access our resources visit www.drugsandalcohol.ie [
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Irish-related publications
Drug and Alcohol Trends Monitoring System (DATMS) 2020: year 5.
Blanchardstown Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force. (2020) Drug and Alcohol Trends Monitoring System
(DATMS) 2020: year 5. Dublin: Blanchardstown Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force.
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Mothers experiences of the Parenting Under Pressure Program (PuP) in a residential therapeutic
community: A qualitative study.
Ivers, Jo-Hanna and Harris, Anita and McKeown, Pauline and Barry, Joe (2020) Mothers experiences of
the Parenting Under Pressure Program (PuP) in a residential therapeutic community: A qualitative
study. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, Early online, pp. 1-8.
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Adult cautioning scheme.
An Garda Siochana. (2020) Adult cautioning scheme. Dublin: An Garda Siochana.
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Connecting for life implementation plan 2020-2022.
Health Service Executive. (2020) Connecting for life implementation plan 2020-2022. Dublin: Health
Service Executive.
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Are changes in binge drinking among European adolescents driven by changes in computer gaming?
Halkjelsvik, Torleif et al (2020) Are changes in binge drinking among European adolescents driven by
changes in computer gaming? Drug and Alcohol Review, Early online. doi.org/10.1111/dar.13226.
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Alcohol attention bias in 14-16 year old adolescents: an eye tracking study.
McGivern, Casey and Curran, David and Hanna, Donncha (2020) Alcohol attention bias in 14-16 year old
adolescents: an eye tracking study. Psychopharmacology, Early online.
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Hospital-presenting self-harm during January-August 2020.
National Suicide Research Foundation. (2020) Hospital-presenting self-harm during January-August
2020. Cork: National Suicide Research Foundation.
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Report of the Lord Mayor's Homeless Task Force.
Lord Mayor’s Homeless Task Force. (2020) Report of the Lord Mayor's Homeless Task Force. Dublin:
Lord Mayor’s Homeless Task Force.
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HSE Health Matters. The staff magazine of the Irish health service.
Health Service Executive. (2020) HSE Health Matters. The staff magazine of the Irish health service.
Winter 2020 , pp. 38-39. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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Reitox national focal points’ activities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
EMCDDA. (2020) Reitox national focal points’ activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lisbon:
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.
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Does opioid substitution treatment have a protective effect on the clinical manifestations of
COVID-19? ? Comment on Br J Anaesth
Eagleton, Marie and Stokes and Fenton, Fiona and Keenan, Eamonn (2020) Does opioid substitution
treatment have a protective effect on the clinical manifestations of COVID-19? Comment on Br J
Anaesth. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 125, e382-e383. [link removed].
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Social impact of COVID-19 survey November 2020 well-being and lifestyle under level 5 restrictions.
Central Statistics Office. (2020) Social impact of COVID-19 survey November 2020 well-being and
lifestyle under level 5 restrictions. Dublin: Central Statistics Office.
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An exploration of young carers' experiences of school and their perceptions regarding their future
career - a scoping review protocol.
Moloney, Breda and Kroll, Thilo and Lafferty, Attracta (2020) An exploration of young carers'
experiences of school and their perceptions regarding their future career - a scoping review
protocol. HRB Open Research , 3 , p. 41. doi: 10.12688/hrbopenres.13074.2.
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Evaluation of the substance misuse court pilot.
Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunal Service, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency.
(2020) Evaluation of the substance misuse court pilot. Belfast: Department of Justice, Northern
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Submission to the World Health Organization (WHO) web based consultation on the working document for
the development of an action plan to strengthen implementation of the Global Strategy to reduce the
harmful use of alcohol.
Alcohol Action Ireland. (2020) Submission to the WHO web based consultation on the working document
for the development of an action plan to strengthen implementation of the Global Strategy to reduce
the harmful use of alcohol. Dublin: Alcohol Action Ireland.
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A qualitative study of e-cigarette use among young people in Ireland: Incentives, disincentives, and
putative cessation
Hanafin, Joan and Clancy, Luke (2020) A qualitative study of e-cigarette use among young people in
Ireland: Incentives, disincentives, and putative cessation. PLoS ONE , 15 , (12) , e0244203. doi:
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An exploratory non-randomized study of a 3-month electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS)
intervention with people accessing a homeless supported temporary accommodation service (STA) in
Scheibein, Florian et al (2020) An exploratory non-randomized study of a 3-month electronic nicotine
delivery system (ENDS) intervention with people accessing a homeless supported temporary
accommodation service (STA) in Ireland. Harm Reduction Journal, 17, (1) , p.73. doi:
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What does Brexit mean for UK tobacco control?
Branston, J Robert et al (2020) What does Brexit mean for UK tobacco control? International Journal
of Drug Policy, Early online, p.103044. [link removed].
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Gambling disorder position paper.
College of Psychiatrists of Ireland. (2020) Gambling disorder position paper. Dublin: College of
Psychiatrists of Ireland.
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National Suicide Research Foundation annual report 2019.
National Suicide Research Foundation. (2020) National Suicide Research Foundation annual report
2019. Cork: National Suicide Research Foundation.
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National Poisons Information Centre annual report 2019.
National Poisons Information Centre. (2020) National Poisons Information Centre annual report 2019.
Dublin: National Poisons Information Centre.
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National Self-Harm Registry Ireland annual report 2019.
Joyce, Mary et al (2020) National Self-Harm Registry Ireland annual report 2019. Cork: National
Suicide Research Foundation.
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Tabor Group annual report 2019.
Tabor Group. (2020) Tabor Group annual report 2019. Cork: Tabor Group.
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Clondalkin Drug & Alcohol Task Force annual report 2019.
Clondalkin Drug and Alcohol Task Force. (2020) Clondalkin Drug & Alcohol Task Force annual report
2019. Dublin: Clondalkin Drug and Alcohol Task Force
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Western Region Drugs Task Force company limited by guarantee annual report and financial statements
for the financial year ended 31 December 2019.
Western Region Drug and Alcohol Task Force. (2020) Western Region Drugs Task Force annual report and
financial statements for year ended 31 December 2019. Galway: Western Region Drug and Alcohol Task
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An Garda Síochána annual report 2019.
An Garda Siochana. (2020) An Garda Síochána annual report 2019. Dublin: An Garda Siochana.
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The Parole Board annual report 2019.
Parole Board. (2020) The Parole Board annual report 2019. Dublin: Parole Board.
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State of the nations children: key findings 2020.
Department of Children and Youth Affairs. (2020) State of the nations children: key findings 2020.
Dublin: Government Publications
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HSE data management report: June 2020.
Health Service Executive. (2020) HSE data management report: June 2020. Dublin: Health Service
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Irish health survey 2019 - main results.
Central Statistics Office. (2020) Irish health survey 2019 - main results. Cork: Central Statistics
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Irish health survey 2019 - Carers and social supports.
Central Statistics Office. (2020) Irish health survey 2019 - Carers and social supports. Cork:
Central Statistics Office.
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Cancer in Ireland 1994-2018 with estimates for 2018-2020: annual report of the National Cancer
National Cancer Registry, Ireland. (2020) Cancer in Ireland 1994-2018 with estimates for 2018-2020:
annual report of the National Cancer Registry. Cork: National Cancer Registry, Ireland.
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Monitoring community HIV testing in Ireland, 2019.
HSE Health Protection Surveillance Centre. (2020) Monitoring community HIV testing in Ireland, 2019.
Dublin: HSE HPSC.
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Irish Prison Service Chaplain reports.
Irish Prison Chaplains. (2020) Irish Prison Service Chaplain reports. Longford: Irish Prison
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Dublin North East Inner City progress report 2020.
NEIC Programme Office. (2020) Dublin North East Inner City progress report 2020. Dublin: NEIC
Programme Office
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Simon Communities of Ireland annual report 2019.
Simon Communities of Ireland. (2020) Simon Communities of Ireland annual report 2019. Simon
Communities of Ireland.
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Department of Children and Youth Affairs annual report 2019.
Ireland. Department of Children and Youth Affairs. (2020) Department of Children and Youth Affairs
annual report 2019. Dublin: Department of Children and Youth Affairs.
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Recorded crime Q3 2020.
Central Statistics Office. (2020) Recorded crime Q3 2020. Cork: Central Statistics Office.
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International publications
Scoping review protocol: the use of telemedicine in providing opioid agonist treatment and related
psychosocial supports.
Crowley, Des and Homeniuk, Robyn and Delargy, Ide (2020) Scoping review protocol: the use of
telemedicine in providing opioid agonist treatment and related psychosocial supports. BMJ Open, 10,
(12), e040556. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-040556.
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Why are drug-related deaths among women increasing in Scotland? A mixed-methods analysis of possible
Tweed, Emily J et al (2020) Why are drug-related deaths among women increasing in Scotland? A
mixed-methods analysis of possible explanations. Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy . DOI:
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Low-THC cannabis products in Europe.
EMCDDA. (2020) Low-THC cannabis products in Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European
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Saving lives from overdose during a pandemic.
Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Vital Strategies. (2020) Saving lives from overdose during a
pandemic. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.
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New psychoactive substances: global markets, global threats and the COVID-19 pandemic. An update
from the EU early warning system
EMCDDA. (2020) New psychoactive substances: global markets, global threats and the COVID-19
pandemic. An update from the EU early warning system. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the
European Union.
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Impact of COVID-19 on drug markets, drug use, drug-related harms and responses in south European
Neighbourhood Policy countries.
EMCDDA (2020) Impact of COVID-19 on drug markets, drug use, drug-related harms and responses in
south European Neighbourhood Policy countries. Lisbon: EMCDDA. 17 p.
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Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on substance use treatment capacity in Canada.
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction. (2020) Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on substance
use treatment capacity in Canada. Ottawa: Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction.
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Lockdown and beyond: a COVID insights report.
Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs. (2020) Lockdown and beyond: a COVID insights
report. Glasgow: Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs.
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Rapid evidence review of harm reduction interventions and messaging for people who inject drugs
during pandemic events: implications for the ongoing COVID-19 response.
Wilkinson, Rebecca et al (2020) Rapid evidence review of harm reduction interventions and messaging
for people who inject drugs during pandemic events: implications for the ongoing COVID-19 response.
Harm Reduction Journal, 17, (1) , p.95. [link removed].
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The impact of COVID-19 on mental, neurological and substance use services: results of a rapid
World Health Organization. (2020) The impact of COVID-19 on mental, neurological and substance use
services: results of a rapid assessment. Geneva: WHO.
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Nudge theory and alcohol policy: how nudge frames drinkers and industry.
Bryant, Lucy (2020) Nudge theory and alcohol policy: how nudge frames drinkers and industry. London:
Institute of Alcohol Studies.
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"I couldn't live with killing one of my friends or anybody": A rapid ethnographic study of drug
sellers' use of drug checking.
Betsos, Alex et al (2020) "I couldn't live with killing one of my friends or anybody": A rapid
ethnographic study of drug sellers' use of drug checking. The International Journal of Drug Policy,
87, p.102845. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2020.102845.
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Accident and emergency department attendance rates of people experiencing homelessness by GP
registration: a retrospective analysis.
Reilly, Johanna et al (2020) Accident and emergency department attendance rates of people
experiencing homelessness by GP registration: a retrospective analysis. BJGP Open, 4, (5) . doi:
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National Intelligence Network on drug health harms briefing.
Public Health England. (2020) National Intelligence Network on drug health harms briefing. London:
Public Health England.
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International Overdose Awareness Day partners' report 2020.
Penington Institute. (2020) International Overdose Awareness Day partners' report 2020. Victoria:
Penington Institute.
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EMCDDA technical report on the new psychoactive substance methyl
2-{[1-(4-fluorobutyl)-1H-indole-3-carbonyl]amino}-3,3- dimethylbutanoate (4F-MDMB-BICA).
EMCDDA, Europol. (2020) EMCDDA technical report on the new psychoactive substance 4F-MDMB-BICA.
Lisbon: EMCDDA.
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EMCDDA technical report on the new psychoactive substance methyl
3,3-dimethyl-2-{[1-(pent-4-en-1-yl)-1H-indazole-3-carbonyl]amino}butanoate (MDMB-4en-PINACA).
EMCDDA, Europol. (2020) EMCDDA technical report on the new psychoactive substance MDMB-4en-PINACA.
Lisbon: EMCDDA.
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Nexus of risk: the co-occurring problems of gender-based violence, HIV and drug use among women and
adolescent girls.
Stoicescu, Claudia et al (2020) Nexus of risk: the co-occurring problems of gender-based violence,
HIV and drug use among women and adolescent girls. In: The Impact of Global Drug Policy on Women:
Shifting the Needle. Emerald.
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The potential synergistic effects between psychedelic administration and nature contact for the
improvement of mental health
Gandy, Sam et al (2020) The potential synergistic effects between psychedelic administration and
nature contact for the improvement of mental health. Health Psychology Open.
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Managing outbreaks of highly contagious diseases in prisons: a systematic review.
Beaudry, Gabrielle et al (2020) Managing outbreaks of highly contagious diseases in prisons: a
systematic review. BMJ Global Health, 5, (11) . doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2020-003201.
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Gender and noncommunicable diseases in Europe: analysis of STEPS data.
WHO Regional Office for Europe. (2020) Gender and noncommunicable diseases in Europe: analysis of
STEPS data. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe. Licence: CC BY-NCSA 3.0 IGO.
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FASD hub Scotland.
AdoptionUK. (2020) FASD hub Scotland. URL: [link removed]...
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Association between benzodiazepine use with or without opioid use and all-cause mortality.
Xu, Kevin Y et al (2020) Association between benzodiazepine use with or without opioid use and
all-cause mortality . JAMA Network Open, 3, (12), e2028557. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.28557.
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C-EHRN briefing paper.
Department of Social Welfare, City of Zurich. Schori, Dominique (2020) C-EHRN briefing paper.
Amsterdam: Correlation: European Harm Reduction Network.
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Final declaration of the 3rd European Youth Work Convention: signposts for the future.
European Youth Work Convention. (2020) Final declaration of the 3rd European Youth Work Convention:
signposts for the future. Bonn: European Youth Work Convention.
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Health topics. Alcohol.
Australia. Department of Health. (2020) Health topics. Alcohol. URL:
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Drugs of abuse: a DEA resource guide
Drug Enforcement Administration, U.S. Department of Justice. (2020) Drugs of abuse: a DEA resource
guide. Washington DC: Drug Enforcement Administration, U.S. Department of Justice. 2020 edition.
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Pharmacosex: reimagining sex, drugs and enhancement.
Moyle, Leah et al (2020) Pharmacosex: reimagining sex, drugs and enhancement. The International
Journal of Drug Policy, 86, p.102943. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2020.102943.
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National roadmap on State-level efforts to end the nation’s drug overdose epidemic leading-edge
practices and next steps to remove barriers to evidence-based patient care.
American Medical Association, Manatt Health. (2020) National roadmap on State-level efforts to end
the nation’s drug overdose epidemic leading-edge practices and next steps to remove barriers to
evidence-based patient care. Chicago: AMA and Manatt Health.
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Supporting public health: children, young people and families.
Public Health England. (2020) Supporting public health: children, young people and families. URL:
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Deaths of despair: cause-specific mortality and socioeconomic inequalities in cause-specific
mortality among young men in Scotland.
Allik, Mirjam et al (2020) Deaths of despair: cause-specific mortality and socioeconomic
inequalities in cause-specific mortality among young men in Scotland. International Journal for
Equity in Health, 19, (1), p.215. doi: 10.1186/s12939-020-01329-7.
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Profiles of childhood trauma in women with substance use disorders and comorbid posttraumatic stress
Lotzin, Annett et al (2019) Profiles of childhood trauma in women with substance use disorders and
comorbid posttraumatic stress disorders. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10, p.674. doi:
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Internet organised crime threat assessment.
Europol. (2020) Internet organised crime threat assessment. The Hague: Europol.
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Room for improvement.
Shorter, Gillian W (2020) Room for improvement. The Psychologist .
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Residential Rehabilitation Working Group: drug and alcohol residential treatment services -
preliminary recommendations.
Residential Rehabilitation Working Group. (2020) Residential Rehabilitation Working Group: drug and
alcohol residential treatment services - preliminary recommendations. Edinburgh: Scottish
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NSW Involuntary Drug and Alcohol Treatment (IDAT) program.
UNSW Social Policy Research Centre. (2020) NSW Involuntary Drug and Alcohol Treatment (IDAT)
program. Sydney: UNSW Social Policy Research Centre.
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Course and outcome of patients with alcohol use disorders following an alcohol intervention during
hospital attendance: mixed method study.
Chambers, Sophia E et al (2020) Course and outcome of patients with alcohol use disorders following
an alcohol intervention during hospital attendance: mixed method study. BJPsych Open, 7, (1), e6.
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Essays on alcohol-related harm and interventions.
Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2020) Essays on alcohol-related harm and interventions. Drug and Alcohol
Findings Hot Topic .
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Words matter - terms to use and avoid when talking about addiction.
NIDAMED. (2020) Words matter - terms to use and avoid when talking about addiction. URL:
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Marijuana research guide.
Rutgers University Libraries. (2020) Marijuana research guide. URL:
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Assessment of nicotine and cannabis vaping and respiratory symptoms in young adults
Braymiller, Jessica L et al (2020) Assessment of nicotine and cannabis vaping and respiratory
symptoms in young adults. JAMA Network Open, 3, (12), e2030189
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Underage youth and young adult e-cigarette use and access before and during the Coronavirus disease
2019 pandemic.
Gaiha, Shivani Mathur et al (2020) Underage youth and young adult e-cigarette use and access before
and during the Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. JAMA network open, 3, (12), e2027572.
[link removed].
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Interventions to reduce tobacco use in people experiencing homelessness.
Vijayaraghavan, Maya et al (2020) Interventions to reduce tobacco use in people experiencing
homelessness. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 12, CD013413. Art. No.: CD013413. DOI:
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Gambling regulator set to be in place by summer.
[Irish Examiner] Hosford, Paul (30 Dec 2020)
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Drug testing at music festivals will be ready to be rolled out by summer 2021.
[thejournal.ie] Finn, Christina (29 Dec 2020)
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Irish drivers own up to taking a risk the morning after drinking.
[Independent.ie] Lynott, Laura (28 Dec 2020)
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What will the impact of 2020 be on drug use? The Global Drugs Survey wants to find out.
[thejournal.ie] (21 Dec 2020)
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No smoke alarms in almost 40% of fatal house fires.
[Irish Times] McAuliffe, Nora-Ide (21 Dec 2020)
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‘The virus loves alcohol, and we have a challenge with alcohol in this country’ – CMO on new
recommended restrictions.
[Independent.ie] O'Loughlin, Ciara (19 Dec 2020)
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Soaring alcohol sales demands better protection for children this Christmas.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (17 Dec 2020)
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Cork's heroin problem: How did we get here?
[Irish Examiner] Leonard, James (17 Dec 2020)
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Cannabis caution: Gardaí, DPP consider extending softer sanctions to other drugs.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (17 Dec 2020)
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Adult caution list: Those caught in possession of cannabis for personal use may not face criminal
[thejournal.ie] MacNamee, Garreth (16 Dec 2020)
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‘Dangerous territory’ of expanding alcohol delivery services.
[Irish Times] Hutton, Brian (15 Dec 2020)
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Minister for Health to assist patients with access to prescribed medical cannabis products.
[Department of Health] (14 Dec 2020)
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Permanent medical cannabis delivery service to be established for Irish patients.
[thejournal.ie] McNally, Tadgh (14 Dec 2020)
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Can universities reduce harms associated with students' drug use?
[RTE Brainstorm] Dockray, Samantha (14 Dec 2020)
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UK began a landmark review into its gambling laws this week - Ireland doesn't even have a regulator
[thejournal.ie] Murray, Sean (12 Dec 2020)
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How is online gambling regulated across Europe?
[RTE Brainstorm] Leahy, Deirdre (10 Dec 2020)
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The amount of drugs coming into jails is 'extremely concerning', according to some prison chaplains.
[newstalk.com] Murphy, Eoghan (09 Dec 2020)
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An Garda Síochána + RSA launch Christmas + New Year road safety appeal.
[An Garda Siochana] (08 Dec 2020)
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Ireland’s first ever seminar on Korsakoff’s Syndrome.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (08 Dec 2020)
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Recreational cannabis supply approved by voters in four US states but rejected in New Zealand.
[EMCDDA] (07 Dec 2020)
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Cannabis removed from list of riskiest narcotics in UN commission vote.
[Irish Times] Kwai, Isabella (03 Dec 2020)
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Should drug bust money be used to help our addicts recover?
[RTE News] Byrne, Claire (02 Dec 2020)
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Minister Browne announces the commencement of the Gaming and Lotteries (Amendment) Act 2019.
[Department of Justice] (01 Dec 2020)
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Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
Covid-19 Task Force: statements. [
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] (17 Dec 2020)
Homeless Prevention Bill 2020: Second stage [Private members]. [
[link removed]
] (15 Dec 2020)
Priority question 80 - Mental health services [42358/20]. [
[link removed]
] (10 Dec 2020)
Mental Health Policy: Motion [Private Members]. [
[link removed]
] (09 Dec 2020)
Questions on Promised Legislation [Covid-19] . [
[link removed]
] (03 Dec 2020)
Topical issue debate - Homeless persons data. [
[link removed]
] (08 Dec 2020)
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