Wednesday, January 6th, 2021

And Now for Plandemic #2 (Dark Winter)

Bill Sardi

Assange Wins. The Cost: Press Freedom Is Crushed, and Dissent Labeled Mental Illness

Jonathan Cook

Resisting Coercion in 2021

The Mark of the Beast? Yvonne Lorenzo

Soros Soars, GOP Cowards Cower

David Cole

What To Expect in 2021: Madness, Mayhem, Manipulation, and More Tyranny

John W. Whitehead

When You Assume…

Allan Stevo

Covid Is an Orchestration for Serving an Agenda—The Destruction of Freedom

Paul Craig Roberts

NY Times Declines My Rebuttal to Defamatory Op-Ed on COVID Vaccines

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Medical Weapons of Mass Destruction

Jon Rappoport

Human Experiments Continue

Martin Armstrong

Family Brawl in the House of Trump

Patrick J. Buchanan

Mutated Covid Virus Marketed To Justify New Lockdowns

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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