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Pennsylvania Legislators Overrule the Secretary of State
They're officially against certification. Now they must change the slate. If one flips, the dominoes will fall.

PA has spoken. The legislators are overruling the Secretary of State.

— Christina Bobb ...

Dominion Machines In 3 Of The Largest Republican Precincts Breakdown, Voting Hours Extended in Multiple Counties
Why would anyone think it would be different this time?

Perdue: Voting “Anomalies” Reported in at Least Three Georgia Counties

BREAKING: Hours extended at 2 Chatham County, GA polling places; The County Board of Elections & the ...

WATCH: Pennsylvania Legislature Erupts into Chaos Over GOP Refusal to Seat Democratic Senator Over Illegal Ballots
Chaos and shouting in the Pennsylvania State Senate as the Republican majority refuses to swear in a Democratic senator and votes to remove Lt. Gov. @JohnFetterman (D-PA) from presiding over the session.

Watch the wild exchange: ...

Leaked Documents Reveal Communist Chinese Regime’s Orders to Steal Foreign Technologies
Expect no coverage from the ChiCom-owned American press.

Related: The New York Times Is Now Officially Chinese Communist Propaganda

Leaked Documents Reveal Chinese Regime’s Orders to Steal Foreign Technologies

By Alex Wu, The Epoch ...

New York City Ends 2020 With 97% Jump in Shootings
This is what Mayor Bill de Blasio's radical policies have done to what was the greatest city in the world. Today, New York city's small businesses have closed down en masse, while New Yorkers flee to Florida and Texas. It's an absolute tragedy. ...

Gov DeSantis ANNIHILATES CNN Puppet-Reporter
CNN is truly disgusting network. From the very beginning, Governor DeSantis' handling of the global pandemic has been tremendous. That is why citizens from New York, New Jersey, and other Democrat-controlled states are fleeing to Florida. CNN does ...

Democrat MOCKED for ending Congressional prayer with “amen and awoman”
The majority of Americas did not vote for this insanity.

The prayer to open the 117th congress ended with “amen and a-woman.”

Amen means “So Be It” in Latin.

It isn’t a gendered word but that didn’t stop them from being ...

Poll finds Brian Kemp LOSING big to Doug Collins in hypothetical Georgia primary
Perhaps Kemp has a future in the Democrat party as Stacy Abrams' water boy.

Poll finds Brian Kemp trailing big to Doug Collins in hypothetical Georgia primary

by Michael Lee | | January 03, 2021 12:23 PM

A new poll shows that Georgia ...

Democrats, Antifa Attack GOP Senator Hawley’s Home, Threatens Wife and Children
And if you let the Democrat criminal syndicate get away with the biggest election theft in human history,  you and your family will be targeted in much the same way. Political opposition is crushed. It's what totalitarian regimes do …. ...

Georgia State Senators Call on Pence to Delay Jan. 6 Electoral Vote
We are under siege by the ChiCom-Democrats. Either we fight or American freedom is finished.

Georgia State Senators Call on Pence to Delay Jan. 6 Electoral Vote

Republican state senators in Georgia started a push on Monday to delay the Jan. ...

IT Teams Teams Confirms Mail-In Ballots Were Received with Votes Already Filled In By Machine
The Sisyphean task of deconstructing the massive election fraud perpetuated by the Democrat criminal syndicate has been left to the American people – and that is why we will prevail. Who better to save America?

More than 400 Ex-intelligence ...

Georgia: Fulton County FIRED Two Whistleblowing Poll Managers
BREAKING: Fulton County has fired 2 whistleblowing poll managers–inclg 20-year vet Susan Voyles–but has taken no action against poll workers & supervisors–incl Ruby Freeman–for scanning thousands of ballots after telling monitors scanning ...

Peter Navarro Says Inauguration Day Can Be Postponed
Of course. The 1876 Presidential election was not resolved until March. There is precedent.

Peter Navarro Says Inauguration Day Can Be Postponed

By Tom Ozimek, The Epoch Times, January 4, 2021:

White House trade adviser Peter Navarro ...

Trump attacks Tom Cotton for declining to object to Electoral College certification
This is a huge disappointment. It was expected that Senator Tom Cotton would have joined the 12 other Republican senators in objecting to the Electoral College certification.

It has been reported that Senator Cotton wants to take a run at the ...

Iran starts 20% uranium enrichment, seizes South Korean ship
Iran must be stopped. The world's leading state sponsor of terrorism must never be allowed to manufacture nuclear weapons.

Related – At max speed, new Iran enrichment could cut nuke breakout to 6 weeks

PM Netanyahu: "Israel will not allow ...


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