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Indiana Republicans -

"Presidential Harassment."

President Donald Trump said it best this afternoon, after Nancy Pelosi and her liberal friends in the U.S. House of Representatives have decided to use taxpayer resources to launch a formal impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump.

Nancy Pelosi and her socialist-leaning Democrat allies have noticed the positive trajectory of our country – more than 6.3 million new jobs, unemployment at historic lows, strong wage growth and lower taxes – and they need a distraction.


And so, in President Trump’s own words, they’ve launched their own “witch hunt”…and it’s nothing other than “presidential harassment.”

Here at the Indiana Republican Party, we won’t stand for it!

We’re fighting everyday to tell Hoosiers about President Trump’s positive record of results, and to make sure that Indiana is the FIRST state on the board for President Trump and Vice President Pence in 2020.

But we can’t fight Pelosi and the Democrats without your help!

Would you be willing to chip in $5, $10, $25, or even $100 right now to stand with President Trump and to help us at the Indiana Republican Party fight to help him Keep America Great?

We’re stronger with President Trump. We’re stronger together. And we’re stronger with your help.

Your Indiana Republican Team

P.S. Because of your support, President Trump won Indiana by 19 percentage points in 2016. With Nancy Pelosi launching impeachment proceedings, we're going to need your help again to re-elect President Trump next year. Would you consider donating NOW to help make that happen?

Donate Now - Stand With President Donald Trump

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Indiana Republican State Committee, Inc. · 101 W. Ohio St., Suite 2200 · Indianapolis, IN 46204 · USA