SEPTEMBER 24, 2019



Maura is committed to holding Purdue Pharma and the Sacklers accountable for their role in fueling the opioid crisis here in Massachusetts and across the country. Last week, she wrote an OpEd explaining the reasons why she rejected their settlement offer.

“Our case against the company and the Sacklers will end, but not this week and not on their terms. We started this fight, and we will end it with accountability and justice.”

Thank you for standing with Maura in this fight.

- Tara

- Maura joined MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow to discuss her ongoing lawsuit against Purdue Pharma and the Sacklers. Click here to hear their full conversation.

- Last week, Maura held a press conference to discuss Purdue Pharma filing for bankruptcy and what it means for her case against them.  Hear what she had to say on NBC Boston’s website.




The Maura Healey Committee
PO Box 15
Boston MA 02137 United States