They want you in camps. Is it any surprise that after a year of runaway tyranny in places like New York that went virtually unchecked, their political class is now proposing that the “undesirables” be put into Covid Concentration Camps?We could certainly just write this off as far left-wing politics in a “blue state,” but just like liberty spreads once it gets a foothold, these horrible and tyrannical ideas have a way of expanding from one state to another. That’s why we’re sounding the alarm on this 4-page bill, which reads like something from the 3rd Reich’s playbook. Reading through the text, it goes from bad to worse: … Removal and detention of cases, contacts, and carriers who are or may be a danger to public health; … the governor or his or her delegee, including, but not limited to the commissioner or the heads of local health departments, may order the removal and/or detention of such a person or of a group of such persons by issuing a single order; … The governor or his or her delegee shall seek further court review of such detention within ninety days following the initial court order authorizing detention; … to require an individual who has been exposed to or infected by a contagious disease to complete an appropriate, prescribed course of treatment, preventive medication or vaccination. Patriot, these health bureaucrats turned health brown shirts are now demanding the power to be able to detain people who may just have been “contact traced” to someone who has tested positive for the Coronavirus. This will not end well. State legislatures all over the country are going back in session for 2021 starting this week, and Campaign for Liberty staff is monitoring hundreds, if not thousands, of bills in all the legislatures plus the bills in the U.S. Congress. We are full speed ahead at Campaign for Liberty in 2021 but we need your help. A generous donation of $50, $75, or even $150 will keep us in the fight to stop these tyrannical measures immediately. New York (and likely other states) are already off on the wrong foot with this outrageous bill. The alternative, which is what we’ll be advocating for, is a return to personal liberty and health freedom. In fact, we need to push for MORE health freedom than we had going into the year 2020, before any of us had realized what type of draconian restrictions on our lives and livelihoods were coming our way. For example, in Arizona, considered by many to be a pro-freedom and liberty state, there is already a law on the books that allows for the forced vaccinations of those who may have been exposed to a deadly disease. And that’s the law which their governor has invoked to dictate the terms of their Corona-tyranny. The good news is that we have seen several proposals sent to us from Arizona to not only end the State of Emergency, but also to repeal the law that allowed their governor to lock down that state for months. These battles at the state level this year are about to really heat up. Many governors, like New York’s Andrew Cuomo, California’s Gavin Newsom, and Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer will desperately cling to the power they’ve seized. Will your state, no matter how “safe” you think it might be, go along with the powergrabs too? Is Gov. Cuomo behind the Covid Concentration Camp bill pulling the strings? I think a lot of people ought to be asking that question to get to the bottom of who wants these brown shirt tactics. You’ll probably remember Cuomo’s bullying of the Orthodox Jewish communities in New York and even blaming them for spreading the virus in New York because they wouldn’t put up with his tyrannical shutdowns of religious celebrations. We’ve seen this type of behavior before by very dangerous and despotic leaders. At Campaign for Liberty, it’s all-hands-on-deck for what’s undoubtedly the most important year in state legislative politics that we’ve ever seen. We are just a couple bad votes away from a governor being able to detain people and place them in secret facilities for months and even force them to take a rushed vaccination. This is complete madness! It may seem far-fetched to believe that any state would have the resources to conduct this plan to detain people or groups of people that they deem are a “danger to public health” simply for being within proximity to someone else who may have been ill. But just two months ago, we found out about Joe Biden’s plan to create a “Covid Army” of contact tracers, who will be going door to door to confront people who they say have been “exposed.” Could they also be tasked with taking people away to these Covid Concentration Camps as part of their duties? After all, it only takes an order from the governor to snatch an entire group of people and take them away from a camp… if that bill passes the assembly and is signed by Gov. Cuomo. This cannot stand. Campaign for Liberty will fight these bills with everything we’ve got, but we need your help. A donation of $35, $50, or $75 will allow us to keep exposing these horrific plans to rob people of their lives and livelihoods over an overblown outbreak. Your donation will help Campaign for Liberty reach the growing number of Americans alarmed at the direction our country is headed and build an army of liberty activists to fight back against authoritarian governments across the country during this critical time. We certainly aren’t going to tolerate Covid Armies, Covid Camps, or Coronavirus bullies who could be responsible for coercing people (even children) into taking the rushed vaccine that is being rejected by over 50% of health care workers in many areas of the U.S. and even Europe. We have our work cut out for us, but I know that our supporters and staff are more than up for this challenge. Let’s bring back health freedom in 2021 and put a stop to the maniacs in government who want to destroy our society to preserve their emergency powers. In liberty, ![]() Ron Paul, M.D. Chairman P.S. Liberty will ultimately prevail, but not without you and me facing some tough battles. Many eyes need to be opened, and Campaign for Liberty is keeping the brushfires of liberty burning. Let’s make 2021 a historic year. Please renew your support now. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. ________________________________________________ The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |