Let's thank our healthcare professionals for their service
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Dear John,

Healthcare workers are on the frontlines battling COVID-19, which is spreading rapidly throughout our cities, states, and nation. Every day, they put themselves in the path of this virus, risking their own health and safety to protect ours.

Doctors, nurses, technicians, transporters, EMTs, pharmacists, and everyone else who support patient care are making an unprecedented sacrifice on behalf of our most vulnerable populations.

They are going to work every day and providing the services we need. They are stepping up just like true heroes do! Many of these people are working long hours and have to spend time away from their families. But, they are doing it because they care about serving others…YOU and ME!

We know a simple thank you isn't much, but join us in showing them that we do appreciate what they are doing every day.

Add your name to say THANK YOU to healthcare workers who willingly give of themselves to help others.





Tim Wildmon, President
American Family Association

P.S. I would also ask you to continue to pray for our country. We are in desperate need of a spiritual awakening. Please pray that those who lead our nation will seek God for wisdom and favor in the difficult days ahead.



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