Dear John,
It’s a New Year, replete with new opportunities—and thanks to this community, Ceres will seize every single one of them.
The dangers of the climate crisis are undeniable, and they are escalating. But what binds us together as a team is our shared hope for a brighter future. A common optimism that leads us to fight for sustainability—and John, fight you did.
All of us joined forces to raise a grand total of $252,041.52 to put our mission into action in 2021, and it’s difficult to overstate my thanks for this show of support.
Every single gift is an investment in a hopeful future for ourselves and for generations to come, who deserve to inherit a healthy, safe ... better planet. Who deserve to see their own grandchildren and great grandchildren prosper.
With a new U.S. president poised to take office and COVID-19 vaccines beginning to roll out, 2021 has the power to be a new beginning for our climate and shared future.
But John, we’ll have to work toward this vision every single day. Together.
It’s so good to have you with us.
With all my gratitude and warmest New Year wishes, |

Mindy Lubber
CEO and President
Ceres | |