Chris CoonsJoin us.
Dear John,

Two years ago today, President Trump signed the third version of his travel ban blocking travel from six predominantly Muslim countries.

This ban is family separation by another name. It is a stain on America's reputation around the world that runs counter to our values and is hurting real people. There are thousands of American citizens who are forced to live apart from their spouses, whose children will never know their grandparents because of President Trump's discriminatory actions.

Trump's attacks on our immigrant communities stand in direct contrast to the values our country was built on. If you're with Chris, add your name today to oppose Trump's anti-immigrant agenda.

Since the day he announced his campaign, he has demonized immigrants, targeting entire communities with threats of mass deportations, tearing thousands of children away from their parents, and calling for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States." Now, he's even actively considering slashing refugee admissions to zero.

Chris introduced the NO BAN Act to repeal President Trump's travel ban and limit executive authority to issue future travel bans without credible evidence. This justification is key because Trump's Muslim Ban is built on fear, not facts.

Join Chris in taking a stand against this administration's anti-immigrant agenda by adding your name today.

Thank you,

Team Coons

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