
BREAKING NEWS: In audio released by The Washington Post on January 3rd, Trump called Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and repeatedly urged him to “find” 11,780 votes to overturn Biden’s win in the state.

“I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state,” Trump told Raffensperger.

Make no mistake: This is a flagrant violation of both federal and Georgia laws prohibiting solicitation of election fraud. Furthermore, it is a blatant attack on our democracy. Trump must be held accountable.

Free Speech For People is calling on Congress to immediately vote on new articles of impeachment against this lawless president. In addition, we are urging the incoming Attorney General for the Biden administration to establish an independent DOJ task force to conduct a full criminal investigation of Trump’s election tampering and other potential federal crimes committed by Trump and his associates. Further, we call on the Georgia Attorney General to open a criminal investigation of Trump for state law violations arising from his solicitation of election fraud with the presidential vote in Georgia.

Sign the petition: Demand an immediate criminal investigation and possible charges into Trump’s election tampering.

Some have compared the explosive revelation of the recording of this Trump call this past Saturday with the release of tapes proving former President Richard Nixon’s involvement in the Watergate scandal. But, as veteran journalist Carl Bernstein, who helped expose the Watergate scandal, told CNN on Sunday: “It’s not deja vu. This is something far worse than occurred in Watergate…[This is the] ultimate smoking gun tape with the evidence of what this president is willing to do to undermine the electoral system and illegally, improperly and immorally try to instigate a coup in which he remains president of the US.”

No one is above the law, especially not Donald Trump. We must demand an immediate criminal investigation into Trump’s illegal attempt to subvert our democracy and fraudulently overturn the election results.

Sign if you agree: President Trump must be investigated and charged for his criminal attempts to change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

In solidarity,

Free Speech For People

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