Here are some reasons you could use (put them in your own words) for explaining to your MP why they should take the pledge: - you work in the NHS (if you do) and you can see it go downhill as a result of privatisation,
- the NHS has saved your life or that of a family member (if it has),
- the NHS is under immense pressure from Covid19, and the way private companies have handled track and trace shows they cannot be
trusted in our NHS,
- the NHS belongs to us and not to foreign private companies, and
- the Prime Minister promised the NHS will not be on the table in trade deals at the last election.
The recent spike in Covid-19 cases and the pressure on our NHS hospitals have shown clearly how fragile our NHS is. There has never been a more important time to demand that our MPs protect our NHS from being further weakened through inclusion in a trade deal. Email your MP
now! Thank you so much for all the great work you did to protect our NHS last year and for starting this year strong by emailing your MP to demand that they protect our NHS. Cat, Pascale, Chris, Johnbosco, Alice - the We Own It team