Folks across the country have made their voices heard. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be the next President and Vice President of the United States.

But despite this clear and decisive victory, Donald Trump is still refusing to accept the results of the election. Instead, he’s promoting baseless claims and spreading misinformation to undermine our democratic elections and change the result in his favor.

Unfortunately, Donald Trump serving the interests of Donald Trump is nothing new. That’s why it was appalling yet no surprise that Trump called Georgia’s Secretary of State and pressured him to “find 11,780 votes” — just enough to overturn the results in the state and silence the voices of so many voters.

But Trump isn’t alone. Several Republicans have stated that they will refuse to certify the results of the 2020 presidential election — many others are still undecided.

Some Republicans are going to extreme lengths to protect Donald Trump and hold onto power. But I won’t keep quiet as they attack our democracy and attempt to silence the voices of millions of Americans. Enough is enough.

If you’re with me, sign your name next to mine on our petition demanding that Congress certify the 2020 election results and protect our democracy.

Add your name

Thank you for taking a stand.

— John