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Photo: ADL SVP of International Affairs, Sharon Nazarian testifying before a joint House subcommittee | |
top 3 adl actions around the globe | |
ADL Congressional Testimony Calls for Action on Global Threat of White Supremacy
Senior VP for International Affairs Sharon Nazarian testified before a joint House subcommittee on the internationalization and increasing interconnectedness of white supremacist ideology around the world. ADL’s new report, released the day of the hearing, Hate Beyond Borders: The Internationalization of White Supremacy
shows how American white supremacists are attempting to export their message and activities and are finding a receptive audience among likeminded bigots overseas. Produced by ADL’s Center on Extremism in collaboration with extremism researchers from anti-hate organizations in five European countries,
the report exposes the shared influences of white supremacists in North America and Europe and explains how these newfound connections are dangerous at a time of rising hate crimes and mass shootings from Pittsburgh to Christchurch and beyond. It also chronicles the degree to which American white supremacists are coordinating with foreign counterparts – meeting both online and in person, sharing ideas and tactics, and recruiting new followers to their cause. | |
Key issues to be Raised in Diplomatic Meetings at the UN General Assembly
ADL will be meeting with dozens of heads of states, foreign ministers and senior officials who will be in New York for the United Nations General Assembly. ADL leaders and experts will raise key priorities with these officials, including: calling for global leadership against anti-Semitism; encouraging the international community to address the full range of Iranian aggressions – nuclear and beyond; promoting action against cyber-hate; and addressing continuing bias against
Israel at the United Nations. | |
ADL Summit to Examine Drivers of Anti-Semitism and Hate around the Globe – November 11 in New York
Join us for Never Is Now
, ADL's Annual Summit on Anti-Semitism and Hate, one-day conference focused on understanding contemporary drivers and dynamics of anti-Semitism. Timely sessions will include "Anti-Semitism Around the World: Challenges and Responses," “Grappling with the Iranian Threat: Combating Tehran's Anti-Semitism, Aggression, and Terrorism,” "Anti-Israel vs Anti-Semitism An Interactive Workshop," "Bias and Hate Online and How the Law is Falling Short (CLE credits available)" and “Voices from Campus: Exploring Anti-Semitism and its Impact on College and University Communities." Announced speakers include Shoah Foundation Executive Director Stephen
D. Smith; New York Times opinion writer and editor Bari Weiss; Brian Hook, U.S. Special Representative for Iran and Senior Policy Advisor to the Secretary of State; Roberta Kaplan, litigator against neo-Nazis and co-founder, Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund; Eric Ward, the Executive Director of the Western States Center; and Rabbi Michael Schudrich, Chief Rabbi of Poland. | |
Middle East
ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt, in an oped posted in the Algemeiner and The Times of Israel, warns that should President Trump sit down with President Rouhani of Iran, he must make clear such a meeting addresses the whole range of Iranian aggressions, including anti-Semitism and terrorism.
In a new blog, Washington Director for International Affairs, David Weinberg, examines the program Blue Line, broadcast on Egyptian state television which regularly propagates a broad range of anti-Jewish conspiracy theories.
In advance of the September 17 elections in Israel, ADL released a primer examining the election process and issues of concern. ADL also held briefing calls for leadership before and after the election with leading Israeli analysts.
The vandalizing of the EU headquarters in Israel was criticized.
The International Judo Federation was commended for taking action on Iranian discrimination against Israeli competitors.
ADL’s Israel office condemned hateful comments in the leadup to the Israeli election, including a statement by the head of the Vishnitz Hasidic group who claimed that two secular Israeli politicians were trying to bring a Holocaust upon Israel. | |
UN Secretary General was praised for commitment to protecting houses of worship from hate crimes.
ADL commended Senate passage of the bipartisan Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act | |
international Affairs in the regions | |
The Southwest regional board examined ADL’s international affairs agenda, and featured a discussion on anti-Semitism in France and Germany by French Consul General Alexis Andres and University of Würzburg law professor Eric Hilgendorf. | |