Our community is truly unique.
Our community is truly unique.

Dear John,

I want to thank you for being part of the truly special community of Wild Salmon Center supporters.
Our community stepped up in a big way during the 2020 giving season. You put us in a strong position to continue to do good work in 2021.
Wild Salmon Center supporters big and small stay with our organization because we all share a basic philosophy.
We believe that when we conserve salmon, we're protecting whole ecosystems. Food webs, forests, and clean, wild rivers are all built on the backs of returning salmon runs.
We believe that durable conservation takes yearseven decadesto achieve. And it takes strong local partners who will be around for generations.
Thanks for being there for another year, and hopefully many more to come.
Here’s to a healthy, sane 2021, and to the wild rivers and fish that keep us whole. 

Guido Rahr
President & Chief Executive

*P.S. If you haven't had a chance to donate, there is still time to give toward our work in 2021.
The mission of the Wild Salmon Center is to promote the conservation and sustainable use of wild salmon ecosystems across the Pacific Rim.
Photo credit: Alamy
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