Friend, I hope you had a restful and relaxing holiday -- and am wishing you all the best for a happy new year.
Thanks to your generous support, Common Cause has been able to hit the ground running in this first critical week of 2021. I’m writing to share this quick Action Update about our top priorities right now that you are making possible: defending Georgia voters, stopping Trump’s last-minute power grabs, and making sure our democracy works for all of us.
First, I want you to know that as I write, hundreds of our Georgia Election Protection volunteers are hard at work -- safely watching the polls, monitoring social media for anti-voter disinformation, and following up with voters to make sure their ballots are counted.
We believe that every eligible voter deserves their say in today’s election -- please review this field report from Common Cause Georgia if you’d like to learn more >>
Then, tomorrow, Congress will meet to certify the Electoral College results and officially declare President-elect Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 election.
And unfortunately, Common Cause must be ready to respond to the over one hundred Republican members of Congress who plan to formally object to those results.
Frankly, I find that appalling and hope you do too. The voters spoke clearly in this election, and Trump’s demands to override their will -- including pressuring Georgia officials in newly-released audio to “find 11,780 votes” for him [1] -- are profoundly dangerous to our democracy.
But I want to be clear: Trump and his enablers will not be successful in overturning the legitimate results of the 2020 election.
This is nothing more than an attempt to sow chaos and confusion -- and I want to make sure that you have the facts. We’ve prepared a short briefing memo for your review that will hopefully answer any questions you have about tomorrow’s process >>
Looking ahead, our next priority will be working with the new Congress and the Biden administration to ensure we have a democracy that works for all of us. That important work starts by passing the just re-introduced For the People Act (H.R. 1), a groundbreaking voting rights, campaign finance, redistricting reform, and ethics bill to level the playing field in our democracy >>
And there’s more coming -- like watchdogging this year’s redistricting to stop gerrymandered maps, preventing a dangerous Article V convention, and working in state legislatures to protect and expand our right to vote.
Friend, even though 2020 is barely behind us, the year to come is packed with urgently important work -- and Common Cause is ready for the fight ahead.
I am very glad to know that caring Common Cause members like you are willing to stay involved to help us fight for the democracy we all deserve.
Thank you for all you do,
Karen Hobert Flynn, President
and the team at Common Cause