What happens today in Georgia could transform the state and the country at large.

Orange background with yellow and black text reading "Flip the Senate: Make calls to turn out young Georgians to vote. smvmt.org/callinggeorgia"

Hey, John,

You and I both know that no matter who we are, where we come from, the color of our skin, or the amount of money in our pockets, we deserve to be valued by our representatives, to have them fight for clean air and water, access to healthcare, and education.

Georgia is at a crossroads today. The results of today’s runoff election could be transformational for the state and the country at large. Not only could our friends unseat two corrupt politicians in favor of two who will fight for what they deserve, they could secure control of the Senate and make the nation-wide fight for a Green New Deal that much easier.

Sunrisers are working with local organizations on the ground to vote-triple at the polls today, and they need our help. Phone calls could be our last shot to reach folks in Georgia who don’t have a plan to vote today. Can you join one of the phone bank shifts happening throughout the day to help get out the vote for Georgia?

I'm ready to help!

The latest stimulus decision was a slap in the face to everyone. This is our chance to lock in a majority in the Senate so that plans for real relief for the country can be set into motion. I don’t want to wait two years for our next shot. Let’s get on the phones today and help win it for Georgia, and all of us.

See you there,
