
BIG NEWS: A recent poll from the Mellman Group shows Democratic candidates Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff running ahead of Republicans Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue:

Georgia Poll
Warnock (D): 50%
Loeffler (R): 47%

Ossoff (D): 50%
Perdue (R): 47%

With less than 24 hours until Election Day, we’re hoping you’ll split a contribution between Serve America, Jon Ossoff, and Raphael Warnock to make sure our incredible Democratic candidates have all of the last-minute resources they need to turn out their voters in Georgia.


John, this poll looks good for us, but we can’t get complacent. We’ve also seen record turnout numbers in Georgia—but again, we can’t get complacent. Donald Trump is in Georgia tonight firing up his base to go vote, so we need to make sure Jon and Raphael have just as much support!

Everything is on the line tomorrow—COVID-19 relief, health care, jobs, infrastructure, racial justice, and progress in so many other areas.

Let’s finish strong.

Serve America