And cheers to our CV grassroots team for making over 10,000 calls over the weekend!
These aren’t the
annoying robocalls. These are personal one-on-one calls made from fellow Catholics to Catholic voters in Georgia. Based on the feedback we
are receiving, very few voters are planning to sit this one out. Voters are engaged, and early results suggest turnout tomorrow will be the
deciding factor.
Your CV team is not leaving anything on the table. That’s because we all understand what’s at stake.
Control of the entire Senate is on the line -- which means control over the future of America and the issues that matter most hang in the balance.
organized a big rally with pro-life superstars Abby Johnson and Alveda King. We’ve made tens of thousands of calls, sent thousands of voter
guides and text messages, and are reaching Catholics with new video ads every day (see below)...