Join us to plan for the upcoming year and learn more about building political will for climate action!
Dear John -
Come kick off the new year with CCL DC! We'll be learning more about carbon fee and dividend legislation from an economist at Columbia University, planning CCL DC's strategic direction for 2021, and exploring CCL's "Five Levers of Political Will." Our Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference, "Bridges to Coalition," is also coming up at the end of the month! See below for all the details.
After this month's speaker, Dr. Noah Kaufman, join the CCL DC chapter's monthly meeting. As the first meeting of the new year, we will look back on our successes from 2020 and set our vision for the year ahead. Come reflect on our past events and shape our future actions and strategies!
CCL holds a webinar with a climate expert to provide new insights every month. Join this virtual watch-party with the DC chapter to expand your climate outlook! This month, we'll be joined by Dr. Noah Kaufman, Climate economist at Columbia University's Center on Global Energy Policy. As we gear up for reintroduction of carbon-fee-and-dividend legislation in the new Congress, we hear from economist Dr. Noah Kaufman, lead author of the 2019 Columbia University assessment of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act. The study confirmed the effectiveness of the bill from both an environmental and economic perspective. Dr. Kaufman is Research Scholar at the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia, leading research focused on climate change policies. He also teaches a course on Energy Decarbonization. During the Obama administration, he served as the Deputy Associate Director of Energy & Climate Change at the White House Council on Environmental Quality.
Learn to Build Political Will Using CCL's Five Levers
Come learn more about CCL's "Five Levers of Political Will" with CCL DC & Maryland. The training will help you understand how to best allocate your time and talents to help with CCL's climate advocacy! Some of the info will be for Maryland but DC chapter members are welcome to join.
2021 Virtual Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference: Bridges to Coalition
Help us set the stage for effective climate legislation this year at our regional conference! The theme of "building bridges to coalition" will guide us throughout the conference, including panels, workshops, talks, and art displays on how we can engage individuals and organizations to promote climate solutions.
TONIGHT: Monday night will be a meeting with our Group Development team. If you'd like to support the chapter in tasks or have ideas of how we can grow our chapter capacity, RSVP here on CCL Community.
THURSDAY: Debbie will be featured on this Thursday's Citizens Climate University at 8pm ET! More details here: CCU: Organizing Online