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Please answer our short survey. (Reply to this email or email [email protected] with your answers)


1. Are you READY to stand with ALIPAC to fight against Biden & Harris's immigration agenda? YES/NO

2. Are you WILLING to stand with ALIPAC against Biden & Harris? YES/NO

3. Are you ABLE to stand with ALIPAC against Biden & Harris? YES/NO

4. (Optional) Do you have suggestions, feedback, or questions about ALIPAC's next steps?

The Situation

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have made it clear they plan to pass AMNESTY for 22 million illegal aliens within the first 100 days of their administration, which is scheduled to begin on Jan 20, 2020. They also plan to have our borders wide open, and the cartels know it.

If this happened, the socialist Democrats would have more than enough additional voters to dominate all national elections and punch you in the face politically for the rest of your life.

There is a lot of confusion, sadness, suffering, hardships, and demoralization in all directions.

ALIPAC has successfully stopped Amnesty legislation many times in DC since 2004, and at this time, we do not (1.) Know if we can stop Amnesty again and (2.) We don't know how we can stop Amnesty this time. But this has been the case each time we fought and stopped Amnesty over the last 16 years!

We know that we must resolve ourselves to this fight regardless of the perceived odds and that we cannot prevail without you and your support!

We have very little time to prepare, organize, and mobilize.

Please answer our survey and let us know if you are with us.

William Gheen and The ALIPAC Volunteer Team