
Yesterday, the Washington Post broke a bombshell story with an audiotape of Donald Trump calling Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to pressure him to “find” 11,780 votes that don’t exist to swing Georgia’s electoral votes to Trump. Not only did Trump bizarrely ask Raffensperger to somehow “find” just enough votes to make Trump the winner of the state, he went as far as to make a not-so-veiled threat if he refused to comply.

This is perhaps the clearest and most brazen example of Trump working to commit election fraud and abusing the power of his office—something he’s repeatedly accused Democrats of doing. Go figure.

This is not a matter of partisan politics. This is a matter of simply standing up for the integrity of our democracy and the electoral process we have in this country. Every single Republican in Congress should stand up to Trump and condemn his attempt to subvert our electoral process—add your name to demand they do so immediately.

Trump’s phone call was a desperate hail-mary. It was perhaps the clearest example we have of Trump attacking the heart of our democracy. And it was very likely illegal and certainly unethical and immoral. Worst of all, Trump was attempting to undermine the votes of millions of Americans. That’s the behavior of an authoritarian.

It’s time for Republican leaders to draw a line in the sand and say enough is enough. Add your name to our petition to call on all Republicans in Congress to hold Trump accountable.

Thank you,

Serve America