We should avoid distributing vaccines on the basis of race. The separation of powers is under threat in the executive branch.
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January 4, 2021
Legal Items ([link removed] )
Administrative Patent Judges Violate the Separation of Powers ([link removed] )
Administrative Patent Judges, who have the power to invalidate patents, should have to go through presidential nomination and Senate confirmation to be able to wield their significant power.
- A Patent Violation of Separation of Powers and Due Process ([link removed] )
By Gregory Dolin and Ilya Shapiro
Covid-vaccine-coronavirus-small ([link removed] )
Should Vaccine Distribution Be Based on Race? ([link removed] )
The federal government has been flirting — and in some cases more than flirting — with a policy that is both unconstitutional and wrong: distributing COVID-19 vaccines on the basis of race.
- Why a Racial Priority for COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Poses Problems ([link removed] )
By Walter Olson
How Do Immigrants Vote? ([link removed] )
anowrasteh-pod ([link removed] )
Immigrants make up a valuable group of voters in American elections. How did they vote in 2016 and 2020? Alex Nowrasteh explains.
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