Winter News

Defending gospel freedom

Dear supporter,Winter Newsletter 2020

Our Winter Newsletter is now available online. We trust you will be encouraged as you read it.

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The freedom to share the Gospel is essential. It is vital that we do all we can to protect it.

  • We are working hard across the UK to oppose badly defined hate crime laws and the attempts by campaign groups to outlaw preaching and prayer concerning sexual ethics;
  • We are helping Kenneth Ferguson, Stirling Free Church and others with legal actions to defend the freedom to uphold biblical teaching on marriage;
  • We are arguing for Westminster and the devolved institutions to keep churches open for public worship.

If you would like your church to hear more on these and other issues of concern, contact us at [email protected] – we can provide tailored online meetings where necessary.

We recognise that we have written to you more than usual in recent weeks. With consultations on marriage, hate crime, transgenderism and more, there are so many issues requiring the salt and light of Christian influence. We thank God for his faithfulness and for everyone who has supported us financially, in prayer, and by taking action.

If you would like to make a donation to The Christian Institute you can do so here:

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Please pray for us as we strive to defend gospel freedom.

Yours in Christ,
Colin Hart
Colin Hart
The Christian Institute