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WATCH: Viral Video Of Police Battling Residents After Neighbor Alerts Them Of New Year’s Eve Gathering
In the bat of an eye, the ChiCom-Democrat party has destroyed the basic tenets of Western civilization and hurled us back to feudalism and slavery. This is the definition of a police state.It is sad to see just how far Canada has descended since ...

Report: Biden’s Inaugural Parade Viewing Stands Taken Down – Parade in Doubt
They know. Biden will garner 10 people, Trump 10 million….

Report: Biden’s Inaugural Parade Viewing Stands Taken Down – Parade in Doubt – They’re Afraid it Will Turn into a Massive MAGA Rally

By: Gateway Pundit, January 3, 202: ...

Sen. Hawley challenges Sen. Toomey to a debate on the Senate floor
Hawley will destroy Toomey, but that two-faced, yellow-bellied quisling will never accept.

Hawley is the real deal. We have him to thank for leading the charge.

Sen. Hawley challenges Sen. Toomey to a debate on the Senate floor

By The ...

Iran’s Rouhani on Trump: ‘In a Few Days, the Life of This Criminal Will End’
Fulminating Wednesday about the killing of jihad leader Qassem Soleimani, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani thundered: “As I said after the martyrdom of Martyr Soleimani, I emphasise again that if you cut off Martyr Soleimani’s hand, we will cut ...

Pence Welcomes Efforts by Lawmakers to Object to Electoral College Votes on Jan. 6
Does a great man make history or does history make a great man? We shall see. Pence can be one of the great men of history or he can be a footnote. Hero or zero?

Pence Welcomes Efforts by Lawmakers to Object to Electoral College Votes on Jan. ...

More than 400 Ex-intelligence Officers to Investigate Election Irregularities
Make no mistake, we are living an extraordinary, unprecedented moment.

Think of it, THE PEOPLE, are taking back our rights, our country, our freedom.

We are doing that.

This entire movement, its investigative arm, is you the people, ...

Here’s the List of GOP Senators Who Will Oppose Electoral College Results
If your senator is not on this list then contact their office.


Senator Josh Hawley

Senator Ted Cruz

Senator Ron Johnson

Senator James Lankford

Senator Steve Daines

Senator John Kennedy

Senator Marsha ...

‘Growing body of evidence’ shows COVID-19 leaked from Chinese lab: US official
And this is news. Always known. The only ones denying it was the Chicom-supported Democrat media complex.

‘Growing body of evidence’ shows COVID-19 leaked from Chinese lab: US official

By Sara Dorn. The NY Post, January 2, 2021 | ...


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