John --
Good evening and welcome to our 2020 Year-End Update.
When I ran for U.S. Congress in 2018, I promised that I would be
open, transparent and communicate directly with all of you on a
regular basis. Serving in Congress is not an "I" effort, but a "WE"
effort. That is why each week, I make it a point to send out a weekly
update recapping the latest news and recap the work we are doing on
behalf of our District, Commonwealth and our nation. I hope you enjoy
these weekly updates and be sure to keep up with our latest activities
by following us on Facebook
and Twitter.
2020 Elections:
I can't say enough about what President Donald J. Trump has
delivered for our nation. As a strong supporter of President Donald J.
Trump, I co-chaired the congressional fundraising efforts in
Pennsylvania for the President's campaign. My wife, Shelley and I,
maxed out to the President's campaign personally and contributed the
maximum donation possible from our campaign. Throughout the campaign,
I spoke countless times at rallies, volunteer events and supported the
President through my media interviews.
Like me, the President is a businessman. He understands what it
means to sign the front of a paycheck and he made decisions and put
together an agenda that helped the United States economy reach heights
not witnessed in the modern era. Reducing taxes, eliminating
unnecessary regulations and negotiating pro-American trade deals led
to record low unemployment and a bustling economy. Even after the
pandemic forced the President to shut down large sectors of the
economy temporarily, he already has the economy on the road to
Many expected it would take our economy years to recover. Instead,
we have seen an unprecedented rebound only limited by the draconian
lockdown efforts on small businesses by blue-state governors. Want
proof? A few months ago, our nation's GDP grew at a 33.1% rate in the
third quarter of 2020. That is the fastest rate of growth in our
nation's history.
This President has accomplished more over the past four years than
many have done in eight.
Election Issues:
Unfortunately, the legacy of this past election is the unlawful
actions that took place related to our electoral process, particularly
in Pennsylvania. Many voters in Pennsylvania are angered about the
irregularities that occurred in the past election. There are valid
reasons for the distrust they feel, rooted in the numerous election
processes and procedural changes enacted by the Governor's
administration and the Secretary of State outside of statute.
These unlawful actions include, but are not limited to:
- Accepting ballots past 8:00 pm on Election Day
- Not properly requiring signatures to match those on mail-in
ballots or requiring dates
- Meanwhile, the matching of signatures was required at a polling
- Authorizing the curing of mail-in ballots with less than a
24-hour's notice
- Only some counties were informed and adhered to this order leaving
voters treated unequally from county to county
- Authorizing the use of unsecure drop boxes, which is not permitted
in statute
- Prohibiting certified poll watchers overseeing the canvassing of
ballots in Philadelphia
These unlawful actions were taken without the authority or consent
of the Pennsylvania state legislature. These are facts, and they are
Every illegal or improperly counted ballot cancels out the vote of
a legal citizen. One thing is clear: we need tighter election security
to protect legal votes.
On Thursday, I was joined by eight of my fellow Pennsylvania
Congressional colleagues on a joint release outlining our many
concerns. Click
here to read an article in the Wilkes-Barre
Times-Leader that highlights our actions and links to the
joint statement.
Navigating the Covid-19 Pandemic:
The year 2020 will forever be remembered for the challenges we were
forced to confront resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. The horribly
contagious virus, originating in China, traveled around the globe,
infecting tens of millions and killing millions. I know many of you
personally felt the loss of a family member, friend or neighbor to
this virus.
Just as Americans have done throughout our nation's history, we
stepped up and continue to step up to meet this challenge. At the very
beginning of the pandemic, President Donald J. Trump immediately
initiated a travel ban on those traveling to the United States from
China. This action saved countless American lives. The President and
his team, led by Vice President Mike Pence, put together an
unprecedented response effort. They successfully delivered personal
protection equipment (PPE), ventilators, increased testing, military
personnel and temporary hospital space and beds to respond to the
pandemic. The President's crowning achievement has been Operation Warp
Upon its formation, Operation Warp Speed's goal was to produce and
deliver 300 million doses of safe and effective vaccines with the
initial doses available by January 2021, as part of a broader strategy
to accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of
COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics. As you know,
President Trump and his administration were able to get vaccine doses
to the public in December, a full month before their already
aggressive timeline. Many in the mainstream media predicted (or
hoped?) that it would take TWO years for a vaccine. The mainstream
media has continuously downplayed the President's successful efforts
to protect American lives.
Our nation has and continues to be tested, but President Trump has
Looking Ahead:
Thanks to your support, we were successful in earning a second term
in office on Election Day. I promise to continue to fight for the best
interests of our District, our Commonwealth and our nation.
One way we can all do that is by supporting the GOP U.S. Senate
candidates David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler in Georgia. The election
will take place on Tuesday, January 5. These elections are a battle
for majority control of the U.S. Senate. If the Democrats win, they
will be one step closer to implementing a socialist, big-government
agenda. This election is about socialism vs. freedom.
There are ways to help... even from Pennsylvania.
I would encourage you to support the grassroots efforts in Georgia.
That can be done from right here at your own home by participating in
phone banking. Click
here and submit your name, email, and phone number and an
NRSC representative will contact you to get you trained and started on
the phone banking app.
Additionally, I have made a personal donation and a donation from
our campaign fund of $35,000 to the Georgia Battleground Fund. If you
would like to donate further to these very important elections,
please click

Yesterday was swearing-in day on Capitol Hill. We have a number of
great freshmen GOP congressional members. Our GOP delegation gained at
least nine new members. Here I am pictured below with Burgess Owens.
I’ve got his Raider Super Bowl ring on.. ran off with it. He’s not
that fast anymore. All joking aside, happy to have Congressman Owens
on our team!

We sadly lost two great Pennsylvania leaders over the past few
Former Pennsylvania Governor Dick Thornburgh, a tremendous leader,
passed away last week. He was a dedicated and accomplished public
servant who had a long and distinguished career. In addition to
serving as our Governor, Thornburgh served as U.S. Attorney General
and United Nations Under-Secretary-General.
Tragically, we also lost State Representative Mike Reese, a member
of House Leadership. Mike was a dedicated and rising leader in the
State House and our Republican Party.
Our deepest sympathies and prayers are with each family as they
grieve these tremendous losses.
Be sure to look out for our update next week and best wishes for a
happy and healthy 2021.
