
Today, I took my first vote as the Representative of Texas' 24th Congressional District and it could not have been an easier decision. I was honored to vote for Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy to be Speaker of the House over Nancy Pelosi.

Pelosi and her Socialist allies spent months and $15 million attacking me because I would not support her extreme agenda in Congress. This will not be the last time I stand up to Pelosi or the socialists running her party, so she will be coming after me, once again, with everything she has.

If I do not have strong conservatives standing with me RIGHT NOW, Pelosi will think she will beat us next time. Can you stand with me and show her I have a grassroots army behind me?
While this was the first vote I took as a member of Congress against the extreme left, there will be many more. The Socialists will continue to attack me for standing for freedom and empowerment for all Americans and I will need your help to continue to fight them.

I am not scared of Pelosi or her millions of dollars that will be spent against me again because I know you are standing with me.

Together we will flip the House RED next year and elect a conservative, REPUBLICAN SPEAKER!

Beth Van Duyne
Paid for by Beth Van Duyne for Congress