Thank you, folks.

I am honored to be your United States Senator. As I took my oath of office, promising to do right by my constituents, the Constitution, and our country, I was filled with gratitude for this team.

Because of you, we won our bitterly competitive race, gave Coloradans a leader they know and trust, and are one step closer to getting our country back on track.

This has been an incredibly difficult year — from our government’s inadequate response to the COVID-19 pandemic, to grappling with the effects of systemic racial inequality, to constant attacks on our health care system — we’ve been through the wringer.

But despite it all, this team came together to build something truly remarkable.

I want you to know that I am honored by the trust you have placed in me, and I’m deeply committed to the job ahead. There’s a lot to do, and Lord knows the system in Washington is a broken mess. But I’m an optimist. I know this country is ready to begin a new chapter.

So today, I pledge to you — I will work my heart out for this state that I love. And I will do everything I can to bring common sense and decency to our work.

Together, I know we’re capable of anything.

Let’s get to work.

— John