
Today is National Voter Registration Day and to celebrate, our Texas Rising student organizers across the state have set a goal to register 5,000 of their peers to vote before midnight.

Our values are on the line in 2020 and voting is the most powerful tool we have. For too long, Texas has been a non-voting state but not anymore -- young people under 30 now make up 43% of the population in Texas.

Can we count on you today, John?

Young people are already showing what they can do. Texas experienced record-breaking voter turnout in 2018, including high rates of young people, people of color, and people who had never voted before. We know this is just the beginning. The rising generation of Texans has reached voting age and they have the power to change Texas next year and beyond.

Every dollar raised today will help us register 100,000 new voters before 2020, ensuring everyone’s voice is heard at the voting booth.

We are on the verge of making history. Will you chip in today to help us register and mobilize the next generation of progressive voters?

Thank you for your generosity and support now let’s get to work.


Kathy Miller
Kathy Miller
TFN President

TFN advances a mainstream agenda that promotes religious freedom, individual liberties and quality public education.

Texas Freedom Network
P.O. Box 1624 | Austin, Texas 78767
Phone: 512.322.0545

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