
At this point in the General Election, 4,018,725 people had cast their votes. As of this morning, 3,002,100 votes have been cast. That's 18% behind turnout from just 2 months ago... with only 3 days until polls close.

DFA members are hard at work - RIGHT NOW - directly contacting voters and helping them make plans to vote. Whether it's returning their ballot to a 24-hour dropbox or voting in-person on Tuesday, Election Day, we're making sure the New American Majorty of Black, brown, and white progressives Get Out To Vote!!

With multiple holidays shortening in-person early voting times, it's amazing the job we've done so far but if we're going to reach and blow past our goal of driving 3 million voter contacts by Election Day, we need your help. Please contribute right now.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Digging into the data so far, there's a lot of good signs to give us hope:

  • This is already the highest voter turnout in a Georgia Runoff election in history
  • More ballots have been cast so far in areas that tend to favor Democrats
  • Turnout has lagged in rural, conservative congressional districts
  • 31% of voters in the runoff identify as Black, up 4% from November
  • Over 114,000 NEW voters have cast ballots in the runoffs with an even higher 37% indentifing as Black

But hope can't make us slow down, because there's at least one stat in the data that should worry us all:

  • Trump won 60% of in-person votes cast on Nov. 3

You can feel the excitement on the ground in Georgia. Voters are ready to deliver control of the U.S. Senate to Democrats and give Joe Biden and Kamala Harris what they need to deliver on the promise of change.

That's why, we're all in and we won't stop until we win. Make victory possible. Contribute right now to fuel the last 3 days of voter contact and drive the wins that will flip the U.S. Senate and boot Mitch McConnell from power.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

We're going to win this because of you.

Thank you for your support and everything you do to move America forward!

— Charles

Charles Chamberlain, Chair
Democracy for America

In case you missed it: Yvette Simpson, DFA's CEO, has a message for you: What we accomplished and where we're going in 2021. Check it out: