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Weekend Reading

Mutual aid in Florida. Photo: Adam Barkan
Distributing food assistance in Florida. Photo: Adam Barkan 

Dear John,

Happy New Year! And thank you to everyone who made a year-end gift to fund our work for a more peaceful, just, and sustainable future! With your help, we met our matching gift challenges. Your support makes all the difference as we begin the new year together. 

Here are this week's resources to help you stay informed and support your activism. 

Incarcerated people and prison staff should be prioritized for COVID-19 vaccine: Public health experts have stated the need to prioritize those who are medically vulnerable and at high risk for exposure. With cases in prisons spiking, incarcerated people and staff in prison, jail, and detention centers should be priorities, writes AFSC’s Lida Shepherd.

Tell public officials: Protect people in prisons, jails, and detention centers from COVID-19: As coronavirus cases surge across the U.S., we’re calling on governors in every state and the leadership of Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Bureau of Prisons to respect the lives and rights of people who are incarcerated in this pandemic.

Providing aid to farm workers in Florida: With your support, AFSC’s Florida Program has helped bring COVID-19 testing, personal protective equipment, and food assistance to hundreds of farmworkers and their families in Homestead, Florida.

Register for our webinar “What to do instead of calling 911”: For many communities, calling the police can make a situation worse, even harmful. Join AFSC for this conversation on what we can do instead of calling 911—while ensuring community safety for all.

Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to deepen your work for social change?: Visit our Get Involved page often for upcoming trainings, resources to share in your community, and actions you can take to advocate for immigrant rights, economic justice, and more.

How to create a mutual aid network: The challenges of the past year have served as catalysts for communities to come together to help each other when the government can’t or won’t. Here are some tips to help you get started.

We are looking for 150 new Partners for Peace! Will you be one?: Partners for Peace make monthly donations to help provide the steady income AFSC needs to deliver food and critical pandemic relief supplies, respond to injustice and oppression, and stand up for the rights and dignity of all.

Be well and take care



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American Friends Service Committee
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Philadelphia, PA 19102
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