Dear John,
Your support in a very challenging 2020 was critical to helping PRH dismantle barriers to reproductive health care, defend science, and amplify physicians’ voices.
Working together as advocates and allies, we responded in full force, making it abundantly clear that arbitrary limits on our health care and assaults on our fundamental rights won’t stand. Patients are not political pawns and trained medical providers will not be silenced.
The stakes in 2021 are high, and we still need you with us demanding change and holding our lawmakers accountable.
We have the opportunity and an obligation to shape a bold, new future in 2021—one where every person has the right to make decisions about their body and their life.
Our advocates are already working to reverse the destructive policies of the past, finding new ways to address health inequities, and delivering meaningful support to families during this public health crisis and beyond.
I look forward to our continued partnership in the New Year. Please stay safe, stay connected, and take good care.
With gratitude,
Jamila Perritt, MD MPH FACOG
President & CEO