If you need a New Years' resolution (or a college student in your life needs one), pledge to help promote sexual health this semester. Be one of 1,000 students across the U.S. who receives a box of 500 Trojan condoms to distribute to classmates.
You may have missed the below email with the details (trust us, you'll want to read it). Then feel free to forward this to 3 students or people you know who work with students.
Applications to join our Condom Collective close on Sunday night. And true, the application doesn't take that long, but you should probably start...idk...now?
Take a look at the application here.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Condom Collective , Advocates for Youth
Date: Tue, Dec 22, 2020 at 3:48 PM
Subject: A metaphor for English majors to sue me over. Also, applications are open.
To: xxxxxx@gmail.com
Hey John,
The vaccines are coming, the vaccines are coming! But let's face it, next semester will still be a lot of social distancing and mask-wearing. And if you're in the Condom Collective, here's an easy phrase you may find yourself repeating: Mask up. Condom on.
The world's focus on masks this year can be extrapolated to condom usage too - a mask is a simple cover you wear to help stop the spread of COVID. A condom is a simple cover you use to help stop the spread of STIs (and unplanned pregnancies, of course. Well...can unplanned pregnancies spread? I'm sticking to it. Let the English majors correct me later).
College students can now apply to join The Condom Collective class of Winter/Spring 2021 here. We'll select 1,000 students nationwide and send them a box of 500 high-quality Trojan condoms to distribute on their campus and educate their peers about safer sex.
And just to stick with the mask metaphor a little longer (again, sue me, English majors. Sue me!), every mask feels a little bit different. But once you find the right one for you, then you can go out and about, safely spewing your droplets into it in comfort. That's why we're thrilled the Condom Collective boxes this semester will contain a mix of different Trojan brands - from
, to
- because we want to help you offer a wide variety of condoms to your peers so they can determine which condom works best for them.
Applications close on January 3rd, but it only takes a few minutes to fill out. So apply at this link now!
Thanks so much,
Geoff Corey
Senior Manager of Digital Campaign Strategy
Advocates for Youth
P.S. - Not a college student? Forward this to 3 students you know and ask them to join the Condom Collective now!