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Have a Sparkling New Year!
Make way for 2021 — it's going to be brutal.

We are going to fight and win. #war

Make no mistake, we are living an extraordinary moment.

Think of it, THE PEOPLE, are taking back our rights, our country, our freedom.

We are doing ...

Amid claims of unexplained ballots, Pennsylvania officials unsure how many voted in 2020
The Democrats have utterly destroyed our election system. Corrupt Pennsylvania must be disqualified.

Amid claims of unexplained ballots, Pennsylvania officials unsure how many voted in 2020

Several counties have not uploaded full “voter ...

President Trump New Year’s Eve video
Always strong. Always an optimist. Always fiercely pro-America. We couldn't ask for a better POTUS then President Donald J. Trump. He is one for the ages. The best we have ever seen. G-d bless him.

Related – Top 15 MAGA Moments for President ...

The 10 Worst Mainstream Media Abuses in 2020
Here are some of the worst cases of malpractice from the mainstream media in 2020. It's horrendous.

The 10 Worst Legacy Media Abuses in 2020

By PJ Media, December 31, 2020

From the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic to the riots to the 2020 ...

Vile WaPo Columnists Compare ‘Trump’s Democracy Denial’ to ‘Holocaust Denial’

@deborahlipstadt is an utter disgrace. She is pimping the Holocaust to advance her progressive agenda. It's almost unbelievable. In a sane world, she would be fired and banished from academic circles for this. ...

Boston Removes Lincoln Emancipation Memorial
Massachusetts is a slave state.

Boston Removes Lincoln Emancipation Memorial

By: The AP, December 29, 2020:

A statue of Abraham Lincoln with a freed slave appearing to kneel at his feet — optics that drew objections amid a national ...

Senate Investigation Finds Obama Admin Knowingly Funded al-Qaeda Group
I wrote about this extensively at the time (as did a handful of my colleagues. Democrat media criminal syndicate didn't care then, and they don't care now.


Obama airdrops 50 tons of ammo to ‘moderate Al Qaeda’ in Syria, ...

Harris County: Multiple Ballots, Same Handwriting

I do not know if this has been made public yet. If it has been, forgive me. If it has not been, I damn well think it’s time it should be. This is Harris county Texas. Notice any ...


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