From Kristin, <>
Subject FWD: 2021 > 2020! Keep Rising!
Date December 31, 2020 11:01 PM
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[ [link removed] ]HURRY - match ends at MIDNIGHT — contribute now! ALL GIFTS MATCHED.

Hi Friend,

I’m so grateful that you’re with us right now. The truth is, I’m worried
that we won’t reach our $50,000 goal tonight, so I’m reaching out one last

[ [link removed] ]Will you contribute now, before midnight?

This goal matters, because MomsRising’s mission matters.

You fuel this movement. You make MomsRising strong. You are making a
difference for families across America. [ [link removed] ]We need you right now.

[ [link removed] ]Every dollar helps us meet our match! Please donate now.

Thank you! And here’s to a healthy, happy new year!

P.S. Thank you again for EVERYTHING you did in 2020 to break historic
voting records, to advance COVID relief through Congress, and so much
more. Together we’re more powerful than any single one of us dreamed
possible. And, together, we’re still needed in 2021.


Begin forwarded message:

From: "Kristin," <>
Subject: 2021 > 2020! Keep Rising!

Dear Friend,

Checking in to see how you’re doing. It’s the last day of 2020 and what a
year. Thank you for opening this email. Thank you for making 2020 a year
of historic voter turnout. Thank you for raising your voice to help get
COVID-relief through Congress. Thank you for all you’ve done to lift
families, protect our democracy, and advance much needed change even as
you’ve been juggling more than ever in your life. You are needed. And your
voice and actions made a difference in 2020. I know you are bombarded with
messages asking for donations this week so I’ll get right to it:

[ [link removed] ]Friend, our voices moved mountains (and voters) in 2020, but
our work is far from done: We need to KEEP RISING for women and families
in 2021, and we need your help to do it. Please don’t wait a minute more
-- contribute BEFORE MIDNIGHT.

NOW is the time that your donation will make a BIG difference. In 2020,
MomsRising saw a surge of grassroots support like never before and we had
an incredible impact together. A generous donor saw that energy and
growth, and offered to match every gift that comes in before midnight

So please donate right now to double your impact and start 2021 powered
[ [link removed] ][link removed]

Together, we can help more parents and caregivers step into their power.
We have bold plans for 2021 together, including:

 1. Advancing emergency COVID-19 relief;
 2. Securing healthcare for everyone;
 3. Lifting the economy, safety net, taxes, and jobs;
 4. Pushing forward criminal justice and policing reform;
 5. Strengthening workplace justice, including paid family and medical
leave and sick days;
 6. Passing affordable, accessible, quality childcare opportunities for
 7. Advancing maternal health and reproductive health;
 8. Moving forward fair treatment of all immigrant families;
 9. Strengthening gun safety;
10. Expanding voting rights along with democracy protection.
* And, importantly, continuing to get out the vote in upcoming

We need you with us on this, Friend! [ [link removed] ]Are you in?

Power up MomsRising with a gift BEFORE MIDNIGHT, and every dollar you give
will be instantly doubled by another donor.

Together, we are the change in motion that our nation needs right now.
Together, we can build a nation where every child and family can thrive.
Together, we are an unstoppable force for good.

Together, we will keep rising. THANK YOU!

-- From all of us at MomsRising, we wish you a safe and healthy New Year.

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