
Thursday, December 31, 2020

TODAY is the last day to make your year-end gift count toward 2020. As long as your gift is made ONLINE HERE by 11:59 p.m. TODAY or mailed and postmarked with TODAY'S DATE, Thursday, December 31, 2020, it will count for 2020. Thank you for standing with us.

(If you’ve already invested, thank you. We are grateful for your interest and involvement!)

Dear John,

Your support can bring light and truth to Wisconsin!

Your Wisconsin Family Action and Wisconsin Family Council are actively working on the front lines of the culture every day to protect and preserve the foundational values most important and beneficial to Wisconsin families. The condition of the culture is becoming increasingly challenging; some would even call it dark. But regardless of what happens in the culture, in elections or in legislative sessions, we will remain effective, steadfast, true to our calling, and continue our work on behalf of Wisconsin's families and churches. 

Thanks to your support this past year, we have made significant strategic gains in 2020, and now is the time to look ahead as we enter 2021.

Together, let's bring light and truth to our culture and our communities!

Your year-end gift to Wisconsin Family Action (or a tax-deductible gift to Wisconsin Family Council) will help to strengthen, preserve, and promote, God's plan for marriage and family, protect the sanctity of life and religious freedom in Wisconsin in the culture in 2021 and in the new legislative session starting soon.  

Every year, well-funded extreme liberal opponents of our values work relentlessly to discredit and destroy these Judeo-Christian principles and values right here in Wisconsin. And our families, churches, and the culture we live in suffer as a result. It is up to us to hold the line and push back the darkness. And with your help we CAN do this!

Our work is 24/7, 365 days a year! We have a tremendous presence on Christian radio throughout the state; we minister to and work to equip over 400 pastors and churches on a regular basis; and we serve as your voice for your values to media, in the culture at large, and to our legislators. But everything we do is made possible by God's grace, working through the prayers and investment of His people and like-minded conservatives.

We realize the economy has affected many families in Wisconsin. (If this applies to you, please know we are praying for you.) When the economy affects families and individuals, it also affects not-for-profit ministries such as Wisconsin Family Action and Wisconsin Family Council. With only 3 days remaining in 2020, we are still short of achieving our Big Goal; BIGGER GOD year-end fundraising goal, which is essential for our ongoing work.

If God has protected and blessed you, would you prayerfully consider making as generous a year-end gift as possible?

With some families unable to give this year, your generous year-end gift today will be that much more of a blessing! As long as your gift is made ONLINE HERE or mailed and postmarked by 11:59 p.m., Thursday, December 31, 2020, it will count for 2020. Thank you for standing with us.

Together, let's keep bringing light and truth to Wisconsin!

For families,

Julaine Appling

PS: Your support now will help us protect God's plan for marriage and family, the sanctity of life and religious freedom in the culture and legislative session in 2021. Thank you!


Wisconsin Family Action 
PO Box 7486 • Madison, WI 53707
608.268.5074 (Madison) or 866.849.2536 (toll free)[email protected]
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