
Never again...I remember it so clearly. It was a Saturday night in March, and I was at home with my family thinking how we would spend the following day on Sunday for church and family time, when I got the message.

A local government official ordered that all churches had to be closed by 2 AM the next day. That meant my church and others would be ordered to close, on Sunday! With less than a few hours of notice…in Texas? I couldn’t believe it! I got on the phone with our Texas Values team members, a state level official and a leader from my church. This couldn’t be real. But it was.

My friend, we have to make sure these types of lawless government shutdowns of churches never happen again. With just hours left in 2020, help us fight to protect our religious freedoms>>

Look, I was taught in law school that “the law is a teacher.” Many people act one way or another because of what the law says they can or cannot do.

I totally understand that many churches decided to stop in-person gatherings and not resist. At first…because they believed it would be temporary, just a few weeks. But it wasn’t. And in other states some churches still can’t open without violating local mandates. 

That’s why so many church leaders are now saying…NEVER AGAIN. Never again will they close their doors because of government pressure. Texas Values stands with them! That’s why we helped churches and pastors all year and why we continue to protect churches and individual Christians.

But we need your help BEFORE 2020 ENDS to protect churches and make it clear in state law that CHURCHES ARE ESSENTIAL>>

The 2021 Texas Legislative Session starts on January 12th. That’s one of the many reasons we need your help to meet our budget goals and have the resources to be at the Texas Capitol and walk alongside Texas churches every day.

We must also pass pro-life laws that help end abortion. And always protect the family. When we show up and stand together, we can win.

My team and I are ready, but we are so much stronger when you show up with us. With the 2021 Texas Legislative Session and major government conflicts surrounding us, we need you to keep showing up and investing in Texas Values.

Time is almost up on 2020, and we are so close to our year-end goal. Before midnight, please partner with us and invest in Texas Values! Even if you gave earlier this year, please consider making just one more gift.

I promise you will see a return on your investment that will keep Texas strong!

CLICK HERE to make your secure online gift before MIDNIGHT>>


Jonathan Saenz
President, Texas Values

900 Congress Ave. Suite L115 | Austin, TX 78701 | 512.478.2220

Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Copyright © 2020 Texas Values, All rights reserved.
