Dear John,
As if Donald Trump and his postmaster general Louis DeJoy’s sabotage of mail-in ballots didn’t already do enough to try to ruin the election, fresh mail delays are now threatening the holidays as well!
Thanks to the totally mismanaged COVID-19 crisis, millions of people have to do all their shopping online this year, creating an avalanche of packages that are overwhelming postal workers and private courier delivery drivers across the country.
But there is one holiday gift that requires no shipping and no waiting – a donation to People’s World!
As part of our year-end fund appeal, People’s World is asking all our readers and supporters to keep their favorite working-class publication in mind when making their holiday lists.
Got an activist friend, family member, or co-worker who reads People’s World? How about making a donation in their name? A loved one who may have passed but appreciated the coverage in PW? Honor their memory with a contribution.
Or maybe you just want to express your own thanks for the work of People’s World by helping the paper financially? Consider a gift that will keep giving all year long by becoming a monthly sustainer of People’s World with a recurring donation.
Throughout the tumultuous year of 2020, the staff and volunteer writers of People’s World have put all our efforts into keeping you informed and assisting activists and organizers in their essential work.
People’s World plays an indispensable role, providing daily news and analysis to inform and organize. There were so many major events that consumed our nation and the world these last months:
- The coronavirus pandemic that has taken over 300,000 lives in the U.S. and the Trump administration’s botched response.
- The contentious Democratic primaries and the struggle for Medicare for All and a Green New Deal.
- The national uprising against racist police violence led by the Black Lives Matter movement.
- An unprecedented economic collapse and mass unemployment that rivals the Great Depression.
- The major growth in workers organizing unions and scoring victories in the fight for PPE, better health and safety protections, and higher wages.
- The victorious battle to eject Trump from the White House and protect the results from his coup attempts.
- The election of a record number of women to Congress – and to the vice presidency.
- And now, the fight to win a just economic recovery and to stop the Republican extremist candidates in the Senate run-offs in Georgia.
In any other year, just one of these historic developments would be enough to keep up with! But People’s World has done its best to cover them for our readers—all three million of them.
And the paper just received recognition for some of those efforts, with the announcement that the prestigious International Labor Communications Association is recognizing People’s World with 13 prizes in the 2020 Labor Media Awards!
As we move into the post-Trump era, the battle now will be to beat coronavirus and win an economic recovery that puts people first, not profits. The Republicans and white supremacist forces unleashed by Trump will be there every step of the way to sabotage our progress, so People’s World is going to be as essential as ever.
But we can only keep up with all the news of the people’s movements and struggles thanks to the support of our readers.
And right now, we really need that support! People’s World, like other progressive publications and organizations, has been severely impacted by COVID-19 and the economic crisis. But because of the support of readers like you, PW has been able to keep our small, dedicated staff completely intact, and with your help we will continue to do so. The paper is in dire need of new donors and sustainers to keep this daily publication alive.
So when making out your holiday list, we ask you to please consider adding People’s World. Your contribution is not only a gift for the present, but an investment in the future of independent working-class journalism.
Thank you for reading and distributing People’s World. And we’ll keep taking sides—Yours.
In solidarity,
John Wojcik, Editor-in-chief
Chauncey Robinson, Social Media Editor
CJ Atkins, Managing Editor