2020 has been an excruciating year for our country, our health, our economy, our safety, and our democracy itself.

At the same time, we saw strength and heroism on a grand scale as communities pulled together (while staying six feet apart) to care for one another. Frontline workers in supermarkets and post offices and hospitals and hardware stores — and everywhere in between — stepped up to keep our communities safe.

2021 kicks off in just a few hours, and with it a host of new opportunities.

Yes, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are about to be sworn in and, yes, a new Congress has a chance to right so many of the wrongs that piled up under Donald Trump—but that also reminds us of one critical point: tomorrow is just tomorrow.

Tomorrow is just tomorrow, but it's also another chance to make progress on the historic challenges our communities are still facing.

That's why so I'm grateful for your part in our grassroots movement. There's no team I'd trust more to be the antidote to inaction, a defense against the status quo, and the engine to rebuild our country in 2021.

Happy New Year. Let's make this progress together.


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