First and foremost, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


I'll admit, my 2020 was better than most. I married the love of my life at a micro-wedding on Indian Rocks Beach, became a dad to twins Flynn and Lola, and was elected as YOUR State Representative here in Florida. In fact, we were one of the few bright spots in Florida politics this year even as Joe Biden won the nation by more than 7 million votes. 



Politically, since I know you're not here for my french toast recipe, we won by the narrowest margin of any Democrat anywhere in the state so we know we're going to be a #1 target in 2022. Republicans took back five seats this year and we're now just two votes shy of a super-minority status whereby Republicans could pass legislation without even a debate.


Thankfully, you stood up and helped me hold the line here, and our State and democracy are better for it.



Looking ahead, there are high expectations and I plan to deliver. I received five committee assignments including the Judiciary Committee, Early Learning and Elementary Education subcommittee, and the Criminal Justice subcommittee. Meanwhile, through our most important work, constituent services, we have already helped dozens with their unemployment claims, stimulus checks, and access to small business relief. 


We have work to do, and I'm excited for what we can accomplish together in 2021.