Team, 2020 will go down as one of the most challenging years in recent times. We truly find ourselves in a moment of unimaginable national crisis.

I’m sure you’re as ready as I am to flip the calendar to 2021, but I wanted to write to you today to remind you that despair will not have the last word. In this time of darkness, we must all choose to be agents of light.

Our country is soon getting new leadership that will be guided by science, empathy, and truth. Americans are rising up and extending a helping hand to each other by working on the front lines, donating to food banks, and embodying the true spirit of service.

These are just a few of the things I’m reflecting on today that give me hope for a brighter year ahead.

There's no simply returning to "normal" after this pandemic is over. We should aspire towards something better—a society in which the dignity of every human being is upheld, the presence of justice is universal, and love reigns supreme.

I have all the faith in the world that we will overcome this and reemerge as a stronger nation.

Amidst our hurt and our pain, let 2021 be a year for grace, gratitude, and love.

Happy New Year.

— Cory