I will not miss 2020.
We faced a global pandemic, lost loved ones, and watched our economy crumble. Our national leadership responded with incompetence, self-gratification and grievance. We lost fighters and role models like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, John Lewis and Elijah Cummings.
On the other hand, we stood up and stood together (six feet apart). We demonstrated that decency, integrity and honesty still matter. And Americans made their voices heard, loud and clear, in the streets and at the ballot box. We cast more votes for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris than any other presidential and vice-presidential team in history.
Looking ahead to 2021, I see challenges and hope. Those who would roll back our nation’s progress are organized and energized. Our social media leviathans still feel little obligation to the common good or to individual enlightenment. 2020 starkly revealed the yawning gulfs in what should be shared prosperity and opportunity. 
But the genius of our country is that we have yet to meet a challenge we cannot address. 
President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris will lead with compassion, wisdom and experience. In the House, my colleagues and I will pass legislation to help struggling individuals and families on issues like health care, wage increases, expanded voting rights, action on climate change, infrastructure and transportation improvements and much more. 
It is not going to be easy. There are some tough fights ahead, but I am hopeful. I'm ready to get back to work for my constituents and the American people.
Wishing you a happy new year,