It's an understatement to say the partisan politicians -- especially those who owe their seats to gerrymandered maps -- tested the limits of our democracy this year. This is just a snapshot of what we've seen in 2020 and how extreme partisan politicians in gerrymandered states undermined our democracy:
- This summer, legislators in Wisconsin and Georgia upheld voting restrictions and blocked proposals to make it easier to vote during this pandemic.
- Nearly every House Republican voted against the HEROES Act -- which would have provided funding for local elections and the USPS during a time when Trump-appointee Postmaster Dejoy was actively undermining the Postal Service to intentionally slow down mail services ahead of the election.
- In the run-up to the 2020 elections, legislators in gerrymandered states like Pennsylvania blocked efforts to allow officials to count mail-in votes before polls closed on Election Day. This self-inflicted chaos created a vote-counting frenzy and delayed election results (as intended) which gave them ammunition to make unsubstantiated claims on voter fraud.
- A majority of House Republicans -- most of them from gerrymandered states -- just asked the Supreme Court to help them overturn election results by silencing voters in our target states -- all in a desperate attempt to maintain undemocratically secured power.
I took the All On The Line pledge because I am committed to doing all I can to hold map makers accountable during the redistricting process -- and I challenge you to do the same by making this your New Year's resolution. Add your name if you pledge to do your part -- by volunteering, donating, or holding map drawers accountable -- to end gerrymandering in 2021.
Together, we have built a massive movement for change, friend. Now is the time to fully commit to the cause and make sure we finish what we've started.
Glad to know you're all in,
AOTL Director of States
All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.