Before (socially distanced) New Years’ Eve festivities begin, I have a favor to ask. I just checked our end-of-year fundraising numbers and we are only $5,207 away from our $50,000 goal.
If you can, rush a donation to help us meet our year-end fundraising goal! $100, $50, or even just $10 will make a huge impact.
Let's Hit $50,000
Your support today will help us:
Expand our network of chapters, who champion the fight to reform our courts on-the-ground in communities across the country.
Push elected officials to openly support court reform and influence policy in Washington.
Wage bold, aggressive campaigns that make the courts more central to progressive politics.
Donate Before Midnight
I can’t thank you enough for your support. Be safe celebrating tonight, and Happy New Year.
Chris Kang
Chief Counsel & Co-Founder
Demand Justice
Donald Trump’s hijacking of our courts will threaten our rights and our democracy for decades to come. Join Demand Justice and take a stand to protect our nation's courts.