This is the last day to make your 2020 contribution. |
  Oxfam America  

Today is a big moment: it's the final fundraising day of the year. The current global situation is urgent: the UN has reported that years of progress against the injustice of poverty are now at risk due to the impacts of the pandemic. What we do together over the next few hours will determine how bold we can be in reversing those trends in 2021.

We've set a big goal to have 1,231 people make a donation before midnight tonight for families living in poverty worldwide. Everyone who gives right now before our fundraising deadline at midnight tonight, up to a total of $500,000, will see their impact doubled by a special matching gift challenge, and I need to know: can I add your name to our list of donors?

This is your chance to end 2020 in solidarity with people suffering under the injustice of poverty. By making a gift today, you're taking a stance: as the world recovers from COVID-19, we will rebuild with stronger, fairer systems that don't leave anyone behind.

Remember: when you give before our midnight fundraising deadline tonight, the impact of your tax-deductible gift can be doubled.

Thank you for letting your voice be heard.

Ken Mallette
Director, Membership, Oxfam America

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