
In just a moment, I’m going to ask you to make a contribution to Flip the Senate before tonight’s huge midnight deadline. You can make a contribution here, but allow me to explain why hitting our fundraising goal is so important:

We’re running out of time before the Georgia runoffs, and fundraising is pacing significantly behind where we need it to be if we want to close the massive spending gap with the Republicans.

They’re going all out and dumping $244 million in nasty attacks, and we need to be able to pick up the pace if we don’t want to leave our Democrats vulnerable in these final five days!

Rush an urgent contribution to Flip the Senate before tonight’s midnight deadline. Hitting this goal will help Democrats get one step closer to finally ending McConnell’s grip on power in Washington.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

I cannot underestimate the urgency of this moment. Georgia is our last, best chance if we want to see any meaningful progress in this country in the near future.

Thanks for everyone, and enjoy your New Year.

— James Carville