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 News of the Week

Jose ‘Joe’ Serrano, a Progressive Behind The Scenes
Both those who have worked with Serrano and those who criticize him say the representative of the 15th Congressional District, who’s retiring this year, has always worked behind the scenes.

NY Lawmakers to Pass Bill to Halt Pandemic-Related Evictions Through May
The COVID-19 Emergency Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention Act would create a hardship declaration form that tenants can fill out and submit to their landlords, or to housing court, if they’ve experienced economic difficulties due to the pandemic.

How Will Ranked-Choice Voting Work in NYC? Let’s Pretend.

A fictional election to demonstrate how the new system will operate in 2021 and beyond.

Looking Back at NYC in 2020: The Year in Photos

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Una Ciudad sin Límites

Lo que necesita saber: problemas con la calefacción y/o agua caliente en Nueva York
Existe una norma desde 1997 y fue creada para que los propietarios de edificios proporcionen calefacción y agua caliente a sus inquilinos.

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City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics
Opinion: Don’t Delay Ranked Choice Voting – Educate Voters Instead
'With six months until the June primary, there’s plenty of time for all voters to learn to rank their vote – applying something they do every day without thinking about it – to the election.'

Opinion: How City Nonprofits Can Diversify Their Workforce and Leadership Teams
‘We made the change by changing our culture—and how we worked—to intentionally identify, mentor, network, promote and hire individuals that improved our outcomes and enhanced the organization’s diversity.‘

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