Time is running out to save precious pollinators: There is no time to lose when pollinators are responsible for 1 in every 3 bites of food we consume - donate to save bees

Dear John,

Double your impact and save pollinators, people, and our only planet: Donate today!

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The Western bumblebee population has plummeted by an ALARMING 93% in the last two decades. And they aren't alone -- more than 40% of pollinators like them face extinction -- and our best chance to fuel our fight to save them expires at midnight tonight. Rush a tax-deductible gift to Friends of the Earth now and save bees and other pollinators.

What's at stake? One of every three bites of food relies on pollinators. And we need to raise $809,000 to hit our year-end match goal and fuel our pollinator protection efforts -- but right now, we're falling dangerously short.

Trump's Environment Protection Agency spent the last four years putting Big Polluter profits over our critical pollinators. If we don't act now to reverse the damage they caused, we face the decimation of the small but mighty creatures that our food system depends on.

Every dollar you give right now will be DOUBLED up to $809,000. Your gift could help keep pollinator death rates from rising -- and save our pollinators and protect our planet and food systems -- but only until midnight tonight.

Please, rush a tax-deductible year-end gift of $27 to Friends of the Earth before this match expires. DOUBLING your impact right now is your BEST chance to save pollinators, people and, ultimately, our one and only planet.

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We know that pesticides made by companies like Bayer-Monsanto and Dow Chemical are responsible for killing bees and wreaking havoc on our food system. The EPA knows it, too -- they've admitted that many common pesticides are "very highly toxic" to critical pollinators.

But the EPA has REFUSED to put our ecosystems ahead of corporate profit. That's why we need you to help us raise what it will take to fight back for our planet no matter what comes next.

We only have a matter of hours to hit our $809,000 goal, so every dollar is being matched to get us there in time. There has never been a more impactful -- or more urgent -- time to give. Nothing else matters if we don't have a planet to live on -- and there's no sustainable future without our pollinators. We cannot keep up the fight to protect the only Earth we'll ever have without your help, John.

Your gift right now could make the difference between the pesticide-driven mass extinction of bees, butterflies or other critical pollinators and a sustainable future:

Donate $27 -- or whatever you can spare -- right now, before our year-end match expires, and help us keep taking on the Big Polluters and their enablers threatening our planet's survival.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you,
Kendra Klein, PhD,
Senior staff scientist,
Friends of the Earth
